Foreign Ministry: Fresh terrorist attacks in Damascus aim at hindering efforts seeking an end to crisis

Damascus, SANA – Foreign and Expatriates Ministry addressed two letters to the UN Secretary General and President of Security Council demanding condemnation of the terrorist attacks that took place in Damascus earlier on Wednesday.

Two terrorist attacks hit the old Justice Palace building in Damascus city and a restaurant on its outskirts, leaving casualties.

“In a heinous, criminal acts, a suicide terrorist blew himself up at 1,20 p.m. on March 15th, 2017, through an explosive belt amid civilians crowded at the Justice Palace in Damascus, claiming the lives of tens of lawyers, persons and employees… this coward attack was followed by another attack when a second suicide terrorist blew himself up in a popular restaurant near Damascus,” Foreign Ministry said.

It added that the attacks, carried out upon orders of the terrorists’ masters,  come in response to the victories achieved by the Syrian army and its allies against ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organisations.

“The attacks aim to increase the suffering of the Syrian people and hinder the efforts aimed at an end to the crisis in Syria,” Foreign Ministry affirmed.

It  added that it was not surprising the terrorists choose the time of the meetings in Geneva and Astana as a date for committing their terrorist crimes.

The Ministry went on to say that the government of the Syrian Arab Republic reaffirms that it is no longer acceptable that some states still justify the brutal crimes committed by terrorist organizations in Syria under any title, noting that the absence of support to the Syrian government’s efforts of the fight against terrorism can only be explained as a support for terrorism and their masters.

“Syria affirms it will not abandon its war against terrorism, no matter what the challenges would be or the methods of misleading ways, adopted by some countries at the UN Security Council or terrorist propaganda apparatus in the world were,” the Ministry said.

“The Syrian government calls upon the UN Secretary-General and the Security Council to condemn those cowardly terrorist attacks and uncover their perpetrators and the governments and regimes that stand behind the terrorists,” the letters said, adding that Syria is looking forward to unify the efforts of the international community to combat terrorism in full cooperation and coordination with the Syrian government.

“It is no longer acceptable or justified disregarding the fact that the fight against terrorism is a priority to restore security and stability in Syria and the entire region,” the Ministry said.

The Ministry also called on the countries that prevented the UNSC from adopting a clear stance against the terrorist acts and against the states that support terrorist organizations to stop all forms of support offered to those organizations and to fully implement the UN relevant counter-terrorism resolutions, Particularly resolutions No. 1267, 1373, 2170, 2178, 2199, 2253.


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