Syria demands UN to assume responsibilities, condemn Wednesday’s terror attacks in Damascus

New York, SANA_ Syria has demanded the United Nations Security Council to assume its responsibilities and condemn the Wednesday’s two terrorist attacks in Damascus.

During the council’s session Wednesday on “trafficking in persons in conflict situations”, Acting Charge d’ Affairs of the Syrian delegation to the United Nations Munzer Munzer expressed Syria’s strong condemnation of the Council’s failure to condemn the terrorist explosions hit Damascus last Saturday.

He demanded the council to condemn Wednesday terror attacks in Damascus in order not to continue(the council), due to the obstacles set by some western member states, in sending wrong messages to the terrorists that “there are bad terrorism and moderate terrorism” according to the concept and the behavior of those countries.

He stressed the importance of the council’s session to shed light on the trafficking in persons phenomenon as one of the most dangerous threats facing humanity that is basically linked with the spread of terrorism.

Munzer touched upon the violation of the rights of hundreds of thousands of Syrians in the areas dominated by armed terrorist groups, including ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and other groups supported and funded by permanent members of the Council.

He said that Syrian citizens have been exposed to the most heinous slavery by armed terrorist groups as women and minor girls were kidnapped and obliged to marry terrorists, particularly foreigners and the minor boys were recruited and trained to become terrorists and suicide bombers.

Munzer accused the neighboring countries which hosted the displaced Syrians in the refugee’s camps of not committing to their international law obligations represented by ensuring safety and security to those who fled the terrorist groups’ crimes to become victims of trafficking in persons gangs.

Eliminating the growing of human trafficking phenomenon as one of the most serious crimes against humanity necessitates an international collective stance and commitment to find solution for the main reasons behind growing it through the implementation of the UN Security Council’s relevant resolution including the resolution no. 2331 for the year 2016, Munzer went on saying.

He concluded by demanding the international community, represented by the UN, to shoulder its legal and ethical responsibilities with regard to the crisis in Syria through implementing the UNSC resolutions on combating terrorism, obliging some countries to stop all forms of support for armed terrorist groups, finding political solution through intra-Syrian dialogue far from any foreign interference, ending the unilateral economic measures against Syria and creating the humanitarian, economic and social climate for the return of the displaced Syrians to their homeland.

H.Zein / Ghossoun

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