Home / Provinces News / Sweida


August, 2024

  • 27 August

    Almond picking season begins in Sweida province

    Sweida, SANA-Almond picking operations have begun in Sweida province for the current season, amid estimates of production exceeding 2,500 tons. The director of Agriculture in Sweida, engineer. Ayham Hamed, said …

  • 13 August

    Grape harvesting season in Sweida province begins

    Sweida, SANA- The Grape harvesting operations for the current season have begun in Sweida, as initial estimates indicate that the governorate’s grape production for this season will reach more than …

  • 7 August

    Harvesting pistachio crop in Sweida province starts

    Sweida, SANA-The harvesting of the pistachio crop for the current season has begun in Sweida, with production estimated at about 379 tons, according to the Agriculture Directorate in the province. …

August, 2023

  • 6 August

    “Reading for all “, book fair for children’s books in Sweida province

    Sweida, SANA-The Directorate of Education in Sweida province opened Sunday a book fair containing about 400 books and stories for children, scientific encyclopedias, and novels for young people. The ten-day …

July, 2023

  • 16 July

    Sweida production of apples estimated at more than 45 ,000 tons

     Sweida, SANA- Sweida Agricultural Directorate has initially estimated the province’s total production of apple for the current season at nearly 45,530 tons. The Assistant Director of Agriculture, Eng. Alaa Shuhaib, …

January, 2023

  • 29 January

    A national event in Sweida in condemnation of the blockade imposed on Syria

    Sweida, SANA- The Syrian Family Forum Foundation-Sweida branch organized on Sunday a national event to condemn the unjust blockade imposed on the Syrian people. Civil, youth and official activities participated …

December, 2022

  • 4 December

    Interior Ministry: legal measures will be taken against outlaws in Sweida province

    Damascus, SANA – The Interior Ministry said that at 11:30 am on Sunday, December 4, a group of outlaws , some of them carried individual arms , blocked the road …

November, 2022

  • 27 November

    Governor of Sweida , Ambassador of Venezuela discuss means of joint cooperation in investment fields

    Sweida, SANA- Sweida governor Bassam Parsik and Mr José Gregorio Biomorgi Muzattiz Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to Syria discussed the ways of joint cooperation …

October, 2022

  • 16 October

    Settling status of the wanted persons continues in Sweida province

    Sweida, SANA- The process of settling legal status for the wanted civilians, military deserters, and those who have evaded the compulsory and reserve military service continues in a center in …

September, 2022

  • 13 September

    Youths with Down syndrome exhibit their handicrafts in Sweida

    Sweida, SANA- A group of young Syrians with Down syndrome held an exhibition of arts and crafts in Sweida province. The initiative is organized by al-Farah Love Syndrome Club , …