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Tag Archives: Kwairis Airport

Aircraft movement resumed at Kwairis Airport, army continues targeting terrorists

Provinces, SANA- Army continued targeting the terrorist organizations’ gatherings, hideouts and hotbeds in many areas across the country, eliminating scores on their members and injuring others. Aircraft movement resumed at …

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Receptions held in Tartous and Sweida for members of Kwairis Airport garrison

Tartous/Sweida, SANA – Tartous and Sweida Governorates organized two popular receptions with official participation for a number of members of the Kwairis Airport garrison in appreciation for their uncanny steadfastness …

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Chief of General Staff visits army units in Aleppo and Kwairis Airport

Aleppo, SANA – Upon the directives of President Bashar al-Assad, Chief of General Staff of the Army and Armed Forces Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayoub visited army units operating in Aleppo …

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Nasrallah: Breaking blockade on Kwairis Airport shows strength of Syrian Army

Beirut, SANA – Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, asserted on Wednesday that breaking the blockade on Kwairis Military Airport in Aleppo countryside and inflicting heavy losses on …

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President al-Assad phones commander of Kwairis Airport and leader of the force that broke the blockade on it

Aleppo, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday phoned commander of Kwairis Airport, Major General Munzer Zammam and leader of the military force that broke the blockade on the airport, …

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Army reaches Kwairis Airport in Aleppo, establishes control over new area in Eastern Ghouta

Provinces, SANA – The army units repelled the terrorist organizations’ hideouts and hotbeds in many areas across the country, killing and injuring scores of terrorists. Aleppo Army reaches Kwairis Airport …

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