UN renews rejection of Israeli measures against Occupied Syrian Golan

New York, SANA – The UN renewed its demands of Israel to commit to its resolutions on the occupied Syrian Golan, mainly resolution No. 497 for 1981 which considers Israel’s decision to impose its laws, administration, and custody over the occupied Syrian Golan as null and void and without international legal effect.

This came after the Special Political Affairs and Decolonization Committee (The Fourth Committee) adopted a resolution titled “the Occupied Syrian Golan” with an overwhelming majority as 153 countries voted for and only Israel voted against, while 13 countries abstained.

The resolution called upon Israel, as the occupying power, to immediately abolish its decision to annex the occupied Syrian Golan, considering all legislative procedures and administrative measures adopted by Israel with the aim of changing the features of the occupied Syrian Golan and its legal status as null and void and without international legal effect as they constitute a flagrant violation of the international law and the Geneva Convention related to the protection of civilian persons in times of war.

The resolution called on Israel to cease it measures for imposing the Israeli nationality and identity on the Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan as well as its suppressive measures against them.

It also denounced the Israeli violations of Geneva Convention, demanding the UN member states not to recognize any of the Israeli measures in the occupied Syrian Golan for violating the international law.

On a relevant note, the UN General Assembly’s Second Committee on the Economic Affairs on Tuesday evening adopted resolutions related to the occupied Syrian Golan and the damage caused to the Lebanese and Syrian shores by Israel in 2006.

A resolution titled “the permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories including eastern Jerusalem and the Arab residents in the occupied Syrian Golan on their natural recourses” was adopted following a recorded vote in which 155 states voted for and 8 states voting against including the USA, Canada, South Sudan, Nauru, Palau, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Israel. Ten states abstained from voting.

The General Assembly reaffirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the residents of the occupied Syrian Golan to their natural resources including the land, water, and energy sources, as it also urged Israel to stop exploiting the natural resources in the occupied Palestinian territories including eastern Jerusalem and in the occupied Syrian Golan.

The resolution titled “oil slick on Lebanese shores” was also adopted in a recorded vote with 156 states voting for, 8 states voting against which are the USA, Canada, Australia, Nauru, Palau, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Israel, while 6 states abstained from voting.

H. Zain/ Rasha Milhem / Hazem Sabbagh

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