Lavrov: Riyadh opposition is being capricious due to outside sponsors’ influence

Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed his hope that the intra-Syrian dialogue will resume during this month and will involve formulating directions for further discussions.

In an interview with the Sputnik News agency on Wednesday, Lavrov said he believes that next round of dialogue will still be an indirect dialogue, and that “it’s clear that it is possible to start real work only after all Syrian sides gather at the negotiating table. There are no condition for this as of now,” adding that this mainly because the Riyadh opposition is being capricious under the negative influence of outside sponsors, predominantly Turkey.

He pointed out that Turkey single-handedly blocks the Kurdish Syrians from joining the Syrian dialogue in Geneva, and called on the US to demand its NATO allies to implement the decisions which explicitly stipulate the need for the participation of all Syrian groups in Geneva talks and to fulfill its promises to distance the so-called “moderate opposition” from al-Nusra and ISIS terrorist organizations.

He reiterated Russia’s support to Syria in the fight against terrorism and in preserving the institutions of the Syrian state.

Manar al-Freih / Hazem Sabbagh

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