Turkish demonstrators in Antakya show solidarity with Syrian people

Ankara, SANA Hundreds of Turkish citizens took to the streets on Wednesday in the southern city of Antakya to denounce the crimes perpetrated by Turkish-backed Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization against the innocent civilians in a number of villages of Idleb.
Criticizing the Turkish regime for offering all kinds of support to the terrorists’ organizations, the demonstrators expressed solidarity with the Syrian people in facing terrorists.

Meanwhile, the demonstrators had their path blocked by the Turkish police who unleashed water cannons and tear gas against them.

In a relevant context, Turkish Journalist Omer Odemis stressed Wednesday that terrorists of al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra attacked the two cities of Jisr al-Shughour and Idleb after they were infiltrated from the southern areas of Turkey
into Syria.

Odemis added that tens of thousands of terrorists were brought across the Turkish borders to carry out the attacks in Idleb city and its countryside.

H. Zain/ Barry

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