Lavrov stresses commitment to make inter-Syrian dialogue succeed

Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia is committed to making an inter-Syrian dialogue succeed based on Geneva 1 Communiqué and without any foreign interference.

Lavrov’s remarks were addressed to the participants in the second round of Moscow-brokered consultative talks between the delegation of the Syrian government and figures of the opposition, after the first round of talks was held on January 26-29

Lavrov said in his message to the participants, which was read by Russia’s Special Envoy Azmatullah Kolmohammadov, that this second round of meetings in Moscow is evidence that “Moscow process” is progressing, noting that this process is not limited to the meetings taking place in the Russian capital.

He explained that Syrian-Syrian communications are held in Cairo, Paris, Stockholm and Damascus as well.

He said that the challenges of the impacts of terrorism on Syria after four years of the crisis are big and need united efforts from the Syrians, regardless of their political differences, to look for solutions to all the urgent issues on the national agenda.

He cited the situation on the ground as the primary element, saying it causes Moscow an increasing concern since the terror danger in Syria has not only not receded but rather mounted and expanded.

He referred to the stepped-up activity of the terrorist organizations of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra in some Syria areas recently, taking this as an indication that all the forces seeking to undermine Syria have come or are coming together.

Lavrov slammed the so-called “non-lethal assistance” provided by some foreign sides to the terrorists as coming in the latter’s favor.

This, he reiterated, makes having the Syrians put intensified efforts to fight terrorism and extremism a priority.

He stressed this priority especially in view of the fact that what he called the “anti-terrorism operation” led by the US and its regional allies that is being carried out without a Security Council mandate or the consent of the Syrian government “has not achieved its goals.”

This operation, Lavrov said, has rather been bringing about counterproductive results so far.

Russia’s Foreign Minister reiterated “Moscow Principles” of the January round of inter-Syrian talks which focused on defending Syria’s sovereignty and unity and combating terrorism and extremism in addition to protecting the rights of all Syrian components.

He also spoke of the importance of continuing the political reforms in Syria and means to guarantee the participation of all the Syrian components in the political life.
Lavrov referred to the “fight-freezing” efforts exerted by the UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura for Aleppo and expressed Russia’s hope that those efforts reach positive results, calling on the Syrian political opposition to use its influence to support the appropriate decisions in this regard.

He hailed the confidence-maintaining measures between the Syrian government and the opposition, referring in this context to the recent release of 683 detainees from Syrian jails, a step he described as “important”.

Lavrov pledged that Russia will continue its efforts in favor of re-establishing peace in Syria, welcoming all constructive efforts made by Moscow’s international and regional partners for the sake of Syria and its people.

Those efforts, he reiterated, should be based on Geneva 1 Communiqué without any covert geopolitical agenda and double standards.

Manar al-Frieh/Haifa Said

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