Nicolás Maduro Wins in Venezuelan Presidential Elections with 51,20% of the Votes

Caracas, SANA-Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro won the presidential elections held Sunday, defeating opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia.

According to the National Electoral Council (CNE), Maduro won 51.20% of the vote after processing 80% of the ballots, while opposition candidate Edmundo González won 44,02% of the vote.

The president of the electoral authority, Elvis Amoroso, details that more than 11 million votes were valid during the election day.

The candidate Nicolás Maduro was re-elected with 5,150,000 votes (51.2%) in a vote that went without incident and with an electoral turnout of 59%, while the second most voted candidate was Edmundo González with 4 million 445 thousand 978 votes, 44.2 percent of the votes”he added .

Manar Salameh

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