Occupation forces arrest /22/ Palestinians in the West Bank

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA -The Israeli occupation forces arrested /22/ Palestinians on Monday in different areas in the West Bank.

Wafa Agency reported that the occupation forces stormed neighborhoods in Hebron, Al-Bireh, Nablus, the town of Tal in the southwest, Jalazone camp and Kharbatha village in Ramallah and arrested /22/ Palestinians.

Meanwhile, the occupation forces also stormed the city of Tulkarm from its western axis with military vehicles and bulldozers and razed the surroundings of al-Younis roundabout in the northern neighborhood of the city,and the roundabout of the Aktaba suburb to the east, while the occupation vehicles headed towards Nour Shams camp and imposed a siege on it , preventing people from leaving or entering the camp.

The forces further deployed their snipers on the roofs of several buildings and surrounding the camp.

Latifa Moammar/Manar Salameh

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