Russia calls on participants in Astana formula to intensify efforts to solve crisis in Syria

Moscow, SANA_ The Russian Foreign Ministry called on the parties participating in the Astana formula to intensify efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria and encourage the Syrian-Syrian dialogue.

“We consider the continuation of the work of the Committee of Discussing the Constitution as evidence of the effectiveness of the joint efforts made by the countries participating in the Astana formula to solve the crisis in Syria,” Spokeswoman for the ministry, Maria Zakharova said in a press briefing in Moscow on Thursday.

She hoped that the Syrians would be able to move forward in discussing the constitution, because this will fulfill the tasks of reaching final and sustainable stability in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution No. 2254 and the outcomes of the Syrian National Dialogue Conference in Sochi.

The fourth round of meetings of the Committee of Discussing the Constitution began in Geneva last Monday.

The national delegation stressed the necessity of adopting the issue of the return of refugees as a national principle because of its importance at various levels, on top of which is the humanitarian level and the importance of some countries to stop politicizing this file, in addition to emphasizing two basic national principles, namely the humanitarian file and the issue of lifting the illegal sanctions imposed on the Syrian people.

Shaza al Ashkar-Ghasson Hasson

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