Update-Sabbagh: Alliance between Syria and Iran resulted in strategic achievements in war on terror

Tehran, SANA- Speaker of the People’s Assembly Hammoudeh Sabbagh said that Syria is facing a terrorist war waged against it due to its stances in support of the Palestinian cause and the resistance, hailing the great support provided by Iran to Syria in its war against terrorism.

Sabbagh was speaking Wednesday in a speech at the 13th edition of the Parliamentary Union of the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (PUIC).

“There is a fierce war waged in Syria through which the powers of hegemony, aggression, and Takfirism have mobilized their capabilities, transforming the conflict into a turning point after which the world will be different from how it used to be,” Sabbagh added.

He clarified that the Syrian people, who embrace the culture of resistance, are experienced in facing these powers and they are facing terrorism courageously in cooperation with their allies, including Iran, Russia, and all the forces which want a more balanced new world order.

“This alliance between Syria and Iran and the rest of the allies and friends have resulted in realizing strategic achievements in the war against terrorism and in eliminating the structure of the Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization, and continuing to clear the rest of the Syrian territory from terrorist organizations represented by Jabhat al-Nusra and others,” Sabbagh said.

He went on saying that the terrorist war on Syria is unmatched by anything in history, if we take into consideration the huge mobilization of terrorist mercenaries and political mercenaries, the media and psychological war and the huge support and funding of terrorism, in addition the diplomatic, economic and psychological pressure.

“Syria, under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, builds its policies on several principles which include ending the culture of aggression, avoiding the eruption of wars and canceling them from international relations, and solving all differences through dialogue under the umbrella of international law, the principles of international legitimacy, and the good neighbors principle, in addition to laying the basis of equality as an active fact, allowing the nations to decide their fate without any foreign interference, and respecting the human being as a step towards ending terrorism,” Sabbagh added, affirming that these principles are the core of the true Islamic culture.

The Speaker reiterated that Syria is continuing to fight terrorism and supports all those who stand against it.

“Our true mission here is to issue clear and frank resolutions that end the claims that Islam is responsible for terrorism and confirm that Islam is against terrorism, its funders, supporters and exploiters,” he said.

“We call for peace based on the complete national unity in Syria based on eradicating terrorism and foiling its dangerous project,” Sabbagh went on to say.

He pointed out that the Syrian and Iraqi peoples are making great sacrifices to defend Islam, the Arabs, and the world as a whole, because terrorism endangers everybody.

Sabbagh called on the participants in the Conference to stand against terrorism, its supporters, and funders, and not just for defending the people in Syria, Iraq, or any other people; but rather to defend themselves, their homelands, their religions, and their very existence.

“We in Syria don’t call for coexistence; we call for interaction, harmony, and unity among all segments of the Syrian society,” he stressed.

On the Palestinian Issue, Sabbagh reiterated that Syria has always stood by the Palestinian rights and resistance, indicating that the Syrian people sacrificed much to defend the Palestinian cause.

Concluding his speech, the Speaker thanked the Iranian leadership, government, and People for their support and efforts towards unifying the positions of Islamic states, calling for adopting resolutions and recommendations that contribute to eliminating all disputes and setting up grounds for serious work to rally the Islamic peoples against internal and external enemies.


English Bulletin

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