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Tag Archives: Jaish al-Islam

Terrorists in eastern Qalamoun hand over large quantities of equipment, ammo, heavy weapons including US and Israeli-made missiles before leaving- Video

Damascus Countryside, SANA – As per the agreement for evacuating terrorists from al-Rheibeh, Jairoud, and al-Nasseriyeh towns in the Eastern Qalamoun region in Damascus Countryside, the terrorists handed over their …

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Doctor from Douma refutes lies on alleged chemical attack-VIDEO

Damascus Countryside, SANA- As a part of the continuous fabrications made by the Takfiri terrorist organizations and their sponsors to plot against the Syrian state, the so called “White Helmets” …

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“Jaish al-Islam” terrorists in al-Dmair continue to hand over weapons prior to leaving for Jarablos

Damascus Countryside, SANA – “Jaish al-Islam” terrorists in al-Dmair town in al-Qalamoun area in Damascus Countryside on Wednesday continued to hand over their heavy and medium weapons as part of …

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Implementation of agreement for exit of “Jaish al-Islam” terrorists from al-Dmair in Damascus Countryside begins

Damascus Countryside, SANA – The implementation of an agreement stipulating for the “Jaish al-Islam” terrorists to exit al-Dmair town in Damascus Countryside began on Tuesday. SANA’s correspondent said that the …

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Exit of “Jaish al-Islam” terrorists from Douma continues 

Damascus Countryside, SANA-The evacuation process of “Jaish al-Islam” terrorists and their families from Douma city to Jarablos city via al-Wafideen Camp corridor is still continued in preparation of clearing Douma …

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Hopes of abductee’s families boosted as they await tidings of loved ones

Damascus, SANA- “I hope I will see my son Yamen among the liberated,” said Adib Sulaiman, father of abducted soldier Yamen who was kidnapped five years ago. Yamen’s father, who …

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2nd batch of abductees set to be released from Douma, more terrorists to leave for Jarablos

Damascus Countryside, SANA- The process of releasing the abductees and evacuating “Jaish al-Islam” terrorists and their families from Douma continued on Monday. On Sunday, an agreement was reached stipulating that …

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First batch of abductees held by “Jaish al-Islam” in Douma liberated

Damascus, SANA- The first batch of the abductees held by “Jaish al-Islam” terrorists in Douma was liberated in implementation of the reached agreement which stipulates for liberating all the abductees …

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Agreement reached for releasing abductees in Douma in exchange for exit of “Jaish al-Islam” terrorists to Jarablos

Damascus, SANA – An official source said that an agreement was reached for releasing all abductees in Douma in exchange for exit of the entirety of “Jaish al-Islam” terrorists to …

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Saudi regime tries to rescue its mercenary in Douma through re-circulating chemical fabrications

Damascus, SANA- Well-informed source said that the Kingdom of Al Saud must stop backing terrorists in Syria and other parts of the world. “ We, and the world as a …

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