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Tag Archives: Washington

Russian MoD: Training gunmen by Washington aims to thwart political solution in Syria

Moscow, SANA_ The Russian Ministry of Defense renewed the involvement of the United States in forming and training armed groups to carry out terrorist acts in a number of Syrian …

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Bogdanov: Washington’s justifications for US troops’presence in Syria unacceptable

Moscow, SANA- Russian President’s special representative to the Middle East and North Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister, Michael Bogdanov, stressed that the US justifications to keep its  forces in Syria are …

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CEIRPP demands Washington to rescind its decision on occupied Jerusalem

New York, SANA – The UN General Assembly Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) demanded administration of the U.S. President Donald Trump’s to …

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Moscow asks Washington to give frank answers on behaviors of US-led coalition in Syria

Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called upon the USA to give clear and frank answers on the behaviors of the “Coalition” it is leading under pretext of …

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Ulyanov: The US hinders probe into alleged Khan Sheikhoun chemical weapons attack

Moscow, SANA – Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department Mikhail Ulyanov affirmed on Thursday that the United States desperately prevents international personnel from visiting al-Shayrat …

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Russia: Washington refused to list Ahrar al-Cham among terrorist organizations, hasn’t provided coordinates for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists

Moscow, SANA – The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that Washington hasn’t yet provided any information that allows for pinpointing the coordinates of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Syria with precision. Chief …

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Lavrov: Washington’s delay in separating “moderate opposition” from al-Nusra protects terrorists

Paris, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Washington’s insistence on extending the time given for separating what it calls “moderate opposition” from Jabhat al-Nusra terror organization seems …

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Lavrov: Washington publishes misleading information about US-Russian discussions on crisis settlement in Syria

Moscow, SANA-Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced on Friday that Washington is publishing misleading information about the content of discussions with Moscow on the settlement of the crisis in Syria. …

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Al-Jaafari: Terrorism, extremism spreading due to role of some countries like KSA

New York, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, expressed regret over the spread of terrorism and extremism because of the destructive role of some countries, …

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US committed to supporting terrorists, sets a date for training them

Washington, SANA – US Pentagon announced that its program to train what it calls “moderate opposition” in Syria will begin within four to six weeks, in a new step that …

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