Prime Minister forms work team to study properties of Damascus Governorate

Damascus SANA- Prime Minister Imad khamis held on Monday a meeting with the chairman and members of the executive office in Damascus Governorate and the heads of service departments, discussing the reality of the Governorate’s real estate and properties and the financial entanglements the Governorate and other institutes.

During the meeting, the participants adopted a number of decisions to develop the working mechanism in the Governorate through forming a work team that represents the Justice Ministry and the Governorate to study its properties and invested real estate.

Khamis provided Damascus Governorate with 100 observers to monitor prices in the markets, and granted it SYP 500 million dedicated for Project 66 for organizing al-Razi Fields area and SYP 500 million for supporting the services and the plans of the Governorate.
Prior to the meeting, Khamis conducted a tour of al-Somaryiah bus station to the west of Damascus and the Pullman bus station on al-Adawi Highway to the east of the city, during which the Premier listened to the citizens and drivers about their problems and the obstacles they faces during their work, and he inspected the reality of the transport fares from Damascus to other provinces.

Manar/Hazem Sabbagh

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