Seven new breaches of cessation of hostilities agreement by terrorists

Lattakia, SANA – The cessation of hostilities agreement was breached seven times by terrorist groups in the past 24 hours, the Russian center monitoring the agreement said on Thursday.

Based in Hmeimim airbase in Lattakia, the center added in a statement that the so-called “Jaish al-Islam” terrorist organization targeted with mortar shells the towns of Saqba, Hawsh Nasra, al-Nashabiyeh, Hawsh al-Fara, Jisrin, Hteitet al-Jarash and Douma in Damascus countryside and Jobar neighborhood in Damascus city.

The center pointed out that 8 more towns in the countryside of Sweida and Lattakia joined the reconciliation process.

The cessation of hostilities agreement does not cover ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and other groups designated as terrorist organizations by the UN Security Council.


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