More terrorists, including leaders, killed in army operations

Provinces, SANA – The terrorist organizations are losing more of their members, including groups’ leaders, as the army units continue operations against their positions, backed by the air force.


The terrorist leader of the so-called “Liwaa al-Nassr” group, who is named Aqil Jumaa, and four of his fellows were killed in a special army operation in the surroundings of al-Kouz Mountain in the northern countryside of Lattakia province, a military source said on Sunday.


The army’s air force targeted ISIS sites and fortified positions in the villages of Ein al-Jamajmeh, Eisheh, Nejarah, Sarhan and Jeb al-Qahwa in the eastern countryside of Aleppo province.

The military source confirmed to SANA Sunday that a number of ISIS centers were destroyed in the airstrikes, along with vehicles.

The source added that the army units targeted gatherings of ISIS terrorists and destroyed their machinegun-equipped vehicles in Rasm al-Kama village, Deir Hafer town and Manbej city, 90 km northeast of Aleppo city.

In the southern and western countryside of the province, the army’s air force hit positions for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the villages of al-Mansourah and al-Misherfeh, while an army unit targeted gatherings of terrorists in Daret Izza city.

In Aleppo city, the army units targeted terrorists’ sites in the neighborhoods of al-Sheikh Lutfi, al-Ramouseh, Salah Eddin, al-Rashidin, al-Fardous and al-Salehin, killing and injuring a number of terrorists and destroying their weapons and mortar launchers.


Intensive army airstrikes were launched on terrorists’ sites in the villages of Kafr Zita, al-Latamneh and Atshan in the northern countryside of the central Hama province.

A number of centers and vehicles carrying weapons and ammunition were destroyed and terrorists, mostly from Jabhat al-Nusra, were killed in the airstrikes.

Meanwhile, field sources told SANA that 6 vehicles and 2 command centers belonging to terrorists from “Jund al-Aqsa” and “Al-Izza Battalions and Brigades Gathering” were destroyed in army operations in al-Latamneh town.

A terrorist leader named Mohammad Ibrahim al-Rayyes and 7 of his group’s members were killed in the operations, according to the sources.

At least 2 terrorists, named Khalil al-Tayyeb and Ibrahim al-Barazi, were killed in an army operation on the outskirts of Kafr Zita town, and four Jund al-Aqsa terrorists on board a vehicle hit by the army were killed in al-Zakat village.

Later, sources on the ground said an army unit carried out a special operation targeting terrorists’ concentrations in the farms north of Abu Obaidah village in Mhardeh area, resulting in destroying an armored vehicle for “Jaish al-Fateh” (Conquest Army) terrorist organization and killing a number of its members.

The sources added that army units operating in Hama’s northern countryside directed rocket and artillery strikes at terrorists’ positions and movements in the town of Morek and its surroundings, achieving direct hits on their targets.

In the countryside of the neighboring Idleb province, the army units destroyed three vehicles, centers and depots for Jaish al-Fateh on the outskirts of Sarmin town, killing at least 10 terrorists.


Several ISIS centers were destroyed in army airstrikes in Mhein town its mountain and al-Qaryatain city in the southeastern countryside of Homs province.

A number of vehicles with machine guns mounted on them were destroyed in the airstrikes.

ISIS terrorists also suffered heavy losses in army airstrikes that hit their sites in al-Hayal mountain in Palmyra western countryside.

Other positions and hideouts for ISIS terrorists were destroyed in Khneifis town, 70km south of Palmyra city.

In the northeastern countryside of Homs province, a number of terrorists were killed or injured and their vehicles, some of which loaded with arms, were destroyed in army airstrikes in Izz Eddin town near the border with Hama province.

The army’s air force destroyed hideouts, positions and vehicles equipped with various machineguns belonging to Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Teir Maala and Jawalak in Homs northern countryside.

Later, a military source told SANA that an Army and Armed Forces unit targeted hideouts and movements of ISIS terrorists east of the “theatrical city” and in Wadi Abyad dam area west of Palmyra (Tadmur) in Homs province, inflicting heavy losses in personnel and machinegun-equipped vehicles upon the terrorist organization.

Another unit thwarted an attack by ISIS terrorists in the direction of al-Baida al-Gharbiya village southwest of Palmyra, inflicting losses upon them, while a concentration of ISIS terrorist was destroyed along with military equipment and munitions near Maksar al-Hosan village in Jub al-Jarrah area in the province’s eastern countryside.

In the northern countryside, an army unit clashed with terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra that had attacked Oum Sharshouh village 18 km north of Homs city, inflicting losses in personnel and equipment upon the terrorists.


An army unit carried out concentrated operations against terrorists’ gatherings in Daraa al-Mahta neighborhood in Daraa.

During the operations, a command center and vehicles along with all terrorists inside them were destroyed to the south of Zanobia School. Terrorists’ fortified positions to the east of the Nursing School, the National Hospital and Busra Square were also destroyed.

Another army unit killed 6 terrorists in the southern side of al-Manshia neighborhood in Daraa al-Balad area.


An army unit clashed with terrorists at the entrance of Wakm village in the northwest countryside of Sweida.

Terrorists suffered heavy losses during the clashes while others were fled away towards al-Lujat area.


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