The Army kills terrorists, destroys their dens in different areas

Provinces, SANA- Army’s Air Force raided a number of hideouts and dens of terrorist organizations in different areas throughout the country, killing scores of their members and destroying their dens.


The army air force on Sunday destroyed vehicles and positions of the so-called “Jaish al-Fatih” terrorist organization in the northwestern countryside of the central Hama province.

A military source told SANA that a number of terrorists were killed most of them from Jabhat al-Nusra and their machinegun-equipped vehicles were destroyed in a series of airstrikes carried out by the army on Sunday morning against their dens and hotbeds in the villages of al-inkawi, al-Tanjara, al-Sirmanyia and Tal Zajram, 79 km to the west of Hama province.

The source added that the warplanes destroyed a number of the Takfiri terrorists’ vehicles with all the arms and ammunition inside them in al-Latamna town in the northwestern countryside.

Meanwhile, field sources told SANA reporter that a unit of the army last night carried out a special operation against a den of a terrorist group in al-Latamna town, killing and injuring scores of its members. Among the killed was the self-claimed leader of the group terrorist Jamil al-Saleh.


In neighboring province of Idleb, the army air force destroyed Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists’ hideouts and machineguns-equipped vehicles in the village of Frekah in the countryside of Jisr al-Shughour in Idleb Province.

The army air force destroyed terrorists’ gatherings as it carried out concentrated blows against them in the village of Ma’ratah in Ariha area, killing and injuring a number of terrorists and destroying their vehicles.

In the southeastern countryside of Idleb city, the source said that the army air force raided the terrorists’ gatherings to the north of Khashir and al-Teraa and Abu al-Duhour villages.

The army raids resulted in the killing and injuring a number of the so-called Jaish al-Fateh terrorists.

Meanwhile, field sources said that 50 terrorists were killed and injured, among them 5 self-claimed field leaders in addition to demolishing of an ammunition depot during the army concentrated operations against one of the terrorists’ hideouts in Maarat al-Nuaman city.


In the neighboring province of Aleppo, the army units targeted positions of terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and other
organizations in several neighborhoods in Aleppo city.

Those included al-Naqarin, Karm al-Qasr, al-Rashidin, Bani Zaid, al-Sheikh Khodr, Bustan al-Basha, al-Sakhour, al-Lairamoun, Karm al-Qaterji and al-Sukkari and al-Na’nai Square.

To the north of Aleppo city, an army unit targeted hideouts and positions of terrorists in Handarat Camp and Tal shair village, killing and injuring a number of terrorists and destroying their weapons and ammunition.

In eastern Aleppo province, gatherings and movements of terrorists were targeted in the surroundings of al-Nairab airport.

The army also destroyed a number of ISIS’s vehicles, some equipped with machineguns, in the surroundings of Kweiris Airport in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.


More than 50 terrorists were killed in army air strikes against their hideouts and gatherings in the northeastern countryside of the coastal Lattakia province.

According to the military source, the army air force launched air strikes on terrorists’ positions in Ein al-Eido village and Salma town, about 48 km to the northeast of Lattakia city, leaving more than 50 terrorists dead and others injured.

Meanwhile, SANA reporter quoted a field source as saying that the terrorist Hamdah Ismael was identified among the dead.

Damascus Countryside

The army air force destroyed a store of ammunition, a rocket launcher and a 23mm cannon belonging to the Takfiri terrorist organizations in Erbin and Harasta in the Eastern Ghouta in Damascus Countryside.


The Syrian Arab Army’s Air Force carried out an airstrike on ISIS concentrations and movements in the city of al-Qaryatain at the outskirts of al-Badiye desert east of Homs city.

A military source told SANA that the airstrike resulted in destroying a number of vehicles along with the terrorists on board and their weapons.

Later, an army unit left all members of a terrorist group dead or injured between al-Qaryatain and Mahin village.

Another unit repelled an attack by a terrorist group on Oum Jame’a village in the province’s eastern countryside, leaving many terrorists dead or injured.


An Army and Armed Forces unit targeted concentrations of terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and “Al-Muthana Islamic Movement” terrorist groups in al-Karak neighborhood and the surroundings of the SyriaTel building in Daraa al-Balad.

A military source told SANA that this resulted in killing a number of terrorists and destroying their weapons and ammo.

Another army unit destroyed a vehicle transporting terrorists in al-Hamadin neighborhood in Daraa al-Mahatta, killing all the terrorists on board.


An army unit eliminated many terrorists from ISIS in a series of concentrated strikes on their concentrations and vehicles at the wells complex of al-Rashida town in Sweida’s eastern countryside, destroying several of the terrorists’ machinegun-equipped vehicles.

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