Italian lawmaker calls on his government to reestablish diplomatic ties with Syria

Rome, SANA-Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Manlio Di Stefano called on his government to re-establish diplomatic ties with Syria and revise its “biased stances and unrealistic choices” against it.

In a written enquiry he submitted to the Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, Di Stefano said Syria has been facing a proxy war since 2011 by terrorists coming from 89 countries who have fomented widespread chaos and swelled the ranks of terrorist organizations, citing ISIS and al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra amid documented evidence of logistical, financial and media support they receive from certain countries.

The Italian lawmaker said the Turkish intelligence is involved in facilitating cross-border infiltration of terrorists into Syria and aiding sales of oil that ISIS has stolen from Syria and Iraq for generating revenues.

Jordan, he added, plays a similar role by facilitating the entry of terrorists to Syria as Israel is treating terrorists who have been injured during battles with the Syrian army in its hospitals.

“The opposition’s Coalition is racked by internal divisions and rattled by embezzlement and continuous financial scandals and it has the lowest approval ratings on the Syrian lands…Its military organization that is called the Free Army is an inseparable part of the terror organizations,” he added.

He said the Italian FM has to answer few questions regarding the steps that his government intends to take to restore ties with Syria and exert pressure on Turkey, Qatar, Israel and Jordan to halt their support for terrorist organizations.


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