Army closes in on terrorists in Jisr al-Shughour amid dramatic collapse in terrorist organizations

Provinces, SANA- The army and armed forces units carried out fighting terrorists of different organisations and groups in many areas of the country and destroyed their vehicles, while Takfiri terrorist organizations collapsed in Jisr al-Shughour, Idleb province.

Damascus countryside 

The army killed a number of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Beit Tima village in Damascus countryside.

A military source told SANA that a unit of the army killed a number of terrorists and injured many others, destroying their weapons and munitions through an intensive operation against their dens in Beit Tima near Jabal al-Sheikh.


The army destroyed dens of terrorists, killed many of them near the Air Force  academy, Shaar, Ashrafiya, Bany Zaid, Malah Farms, Sheikh Said, Sheikh Lutfi, Salah al-Din in  Aleppo and its countryside.


All axes leading to Jisr al-Shughour city are now within range of the army’s artillery following intensive operations against dens and gatherings of terrorist organizations, according to a military source.

Scores of terrorists were killed and others were injured during the military operations on Jisr al-Shughour/al-Janoudieh axis and near the city’s national hospital.

A military source said army units have encircled terrorist organizations in several areas near Jisr al-Shughour.

The source added that an army unit, in cooperation with the forces defending Jisr al-Shughour national hospital, killed tens of terrorists in the area surrounding the hospital and at the southern and eastern entrance of the city.

Meanwhile, SANA reporter near Jisr al-Shughour said the army’s helicopters dropped thousands of leaflets on the city which call on terrorists to lay down their arms and urge the locals to stay away from the dens and places where terrorists are positioned.

The military source said that the army operations brought about a dramatic collapse in the ranks of the terrorist organizations in the city due to the massive losses they sustained amid a state of confusion and buck-passing between Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations.

Meanwhile, the army Air Force destroyed gatherings of Takfiri terrorist organizations in al-Sukareyeh, Nakhleh Church, Ein al-Sudeh and smashed their convoys in the vicinity of Jisr al-Shughour al-Janoudyeh in the countryside of the province.

Additionally, army units carried out direct blows against terrorists’ gatherings in Ghaniyeh and Ishtabrak areas in the countryside of Jisr al- Shughour and controlled a number of significant points, the source added.

Later, a military source told SANA that tens of terrorists from Jabhet al-Nusra, most of them Chechens, were killed or injured in a series of air raids carried out by the Syrian Arab Army’s air force in the surroundings of the National Hospital and the southern entrance of Jisr al-Shughour.


Units of the army and the armed forces killed scores of terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria “ISIS” and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organizations in the continued operations against their dens and hideouts in the eastern and northern countryside of Central Homs province, a military source told SANA .

The source added that a number of ISIS vehicles and equipment were destroyed and a number of terrorists were killed in operations carried out by units of the army against their gatherings and hideouts in the villages of al-Sultaniya, Dwaiba and northern al-Mushairfa, 70 km to the east of Homs.

Earlier, units of the army and the armed forces destroyed gatherings and dens of the Takfiri terrorist organizations in the area surrounding the villages of al-Khraija, Arshouna and al-Sultaniya and in the vicinity of al-Jazal and al-Sha’air oil and gas fields.

Heavy losses were also inflicted upon terrorist organizations as scores of their members were killed, most of them from Jabhat al-Nusra, and their arms and ammunition were destroyed in a special operation carried out by an army unit against their strongholds in Kisin in al-Rastan in the northern countryside of the province.

Air forces targeted ISIS hideouts and concentrations in the areas of Jibab Hamad, Jabal al-Dahek and Wadi al-Sukkar in Homs countryside, killing a number of them and destroying a number of their vehicles

Meanwhile, Takfiri terrorist organizations admitted on their pages of the social social media networking killing scores of their members mostly from the so-called Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement which is backed by Saudi regime.


In the coastal province of Lattakia, The army units, in cooperation with the popular defense groups, carried out direct blows against the gatherings and hideouts of the terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and other Takfiri terrorist organizations affiliated to it in Jeb al-Ahmar and Marj Sheely in the northern countryside of the province

The army’s operations resulted in the killing and injuring of scores of terrorists, among them self-claimed leader Naser Khalifa, in addition to destroying a number of vehicles loaded with weapons and ammunition.


In the southern province of Daraa, army units destroyed an anti-tank cannon and killed scores of the Takfiri terrorists, some of whom belong to the so-called “Jaidour Howran Brigade” and “Hamza Assad Allah Brigade”, in the northern countryside of southern province.

The source added that after monitoring the movements of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists on the road of al-Hirak-al-Mlaiha in the northeastern countryside of the province, a unit of the army and the armed forces carried out a direct blow against them, destroying one of their vehicles.

An army unit also targeted gatherings of terrorists, killing a number of them and destroying their equipment to the west of Aqraba town in the area of Jaidour Howran.

Meanwhile, Takfiri terrorist organizations admitted on their pages on the social networking websites that a number of their members were killed including terrorist Ahmad Ismael who died after being hodpitalised to al-Ramtha Hospital in Jordan.


In Quneitra countryside, units of the army and the armed forces carried out intensive operations killing scores of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists.

A number of terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement, al-Furqan Brigades and from other terrorist organizations were killed in a special operation carried out by an army unit against their gatherings in Mas’hara village in the eastern countryside of the province, the military source added.

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