De Mistura invites Iran to Geneva3 on Syria

New York, SANA The crisis in Syria and the preparations for Geneva3 Conference were discussed during a meeting between Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and UN Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura on the sidelines of the Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference currently held in New York.

Describing his meeting with Zarif as constructive and positive, De Mistura said that he directed an official invitation to Iran to participate in Geneva 3 Conference on the crisis in Syria, asserting that ignoring Iran’s role in solving the crisis in Syria is a big mistake.

De Mistura criticized the non-cooperation of some regional and non-regional countries in the framework of his mission on the crisis in Syria.

For his part, the Iranian Foreign Minister expressed concern over the negative role of some countries in deepening the crisis in Syria, showing Iran’s readiness to support de Mistura’s efforts for finding a political solution and restoring stability and calm to Syria.

During his meeting with de Misutra in Geneva last January, Zarif called on the main international players to constructively cooperate in finding a peaceful and political solution to the crisis in Syria.

Two United Nations-backed international peace conferences were held on the crisis on Syria in the Swiss city of Geneva.

Geneva I Conference was held in June 2012, initiated by then UN peace envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, while the Geneva II Conference on Syria took place in January 2014.

H. Zain/ Barry

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