A Culture Day held in Warsaw to highlight Syria’s cultural face before terrorism-inflicted destruction

Warsaw, SANA – The Syrian Embassy in cooperation with the National Union of Syrian Students in Poland organized on Tuesday a “Culture Day” to shed light on some aspects of Syria’s distinguished civilization and cultural history.

The attendees were provided insight into the Syrian cultural life before the crisis through a photo exhibition held as part of the Culture Day, which was organized at Lazarski University in Warsaw, the capital of Poland.

A documentary film was also screened showing many prominent Syrian monuments and cultural and archeological items and landmarks before and after the destruction inflicted upon them by the takfiri terrorist organizations.

According to charge d’ affairs of the Syrian Embassy Idrees Mayya, the event is meant to represent the real face of Syria, “the one of history, love, peace and civilization,” contrary to the face of killing and destruction which the terrorist organizations try to depict.

Rector of Lazarski University, along with other attendees and participants, condemned the acts of vandalism and sabotage which the terrorists visited upon the historical sites and landmarks in Syria.

Manar al-Frieh/Haifa Said

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