Al-Jaafari: Some states seek to find pretexts to continue their aggression on Syria

New York, SANA – Syria’s permanent Representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that the interest of some countries don’t depend on practicing the needed efforts to reach a peaceful solution to the crisis, led by Syria, but they resort to using all available mechanisms at the UN to find pretexts to continue their aggression on Syria’s sovereignty.

Al-Jaafari was speaking at a press statement following a UN Security Council session where it adopted a resolution condemning the use of chlorine gas by any side in Syria with 14 countries voting in favor of the resolution and the abstention of Venezuela.

UN Resolution No. 2209 supports resolution of the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) which calls on the fact-finding mission, to continue its task in Syria, urging all parties to help and cooperate with it and threatens any party which violates this resolution with sanctions.

“Interpositions of the US, Britain and France representatives at the session following the adoption of this resolution reflect the bad intentions of those who submitted this resolution and remind us with the gift presented to the Iraqi people that led to the invasion and destruction of Iraq under the so-called a weapons of mass destruction program,” al-Jaafari added.

He pointed out to some attempts to foil the mission of the UN Special Envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura as the terrorists of the so-called “moderate opposition” rejected his initiative to  freeze fighting in Aleppo which serves the interests of some western governments that offer weapons to them.

He criticized western countries, mainly the US, of their double standard policies towards the Middle East issues and some regions in the world, asserting that politicizing these issues will not help the international community carries out the process of destroying weapons of mass destruction.

The armed terrorist groups used the chlorine gas, al-Jaafari affirmed , adding that Syria has presented all evidence on that and called for sending a fact-finding mission to uncover the perpetrators, but UN Secretary General apologized and rejected to cooperate with the Syrian Government.

Al-Jaafari renewed Syria’s call on UN Secretary General to help uncover who used the chlorine gas.

The reports presented by the fact-finding mission were unprofessional and inaccurate, al-Jaafari said, asserting that the mission didn’t cooperate with the Syrian government, conducted its investigations outside the Syrian territories and interviewed unknown and hired witnesses and it was used by some western countries for putting pressures.

The mission has failed, in its three reports, to answer questions raised by the executive council’s member states and the Syrian delegation on means of its wok, how to choose the witnesses, the ways of analyzing samples and the role of the international organizations which it cooperated with, al-Jaafari underlined.

Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin, for his part, said Russia voted in favor of the resolution in light of its principled stance which rejects the use of chemical weapons by any party to guarantee a unified stance at the UN Security Council.

Russia categorically rejects all attempts to impose baseless sanctions on Syria without proving non-compliance cases, Churkin said at the UN Security Council session.

“Any additional activities by the OPCW fact-finding mission in Syria should depend on professionalism, neutrality and honesty,” Churkin added.

Russia’s representative pointed out that Russia presented evidence to the Council which prove that the Syrian government didn’t use the chemical weapons at Damascus Countryside.

For his part, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the UN Wang Min reiterated China’s firm and clear rejection of the use of chemical weapons by any party.

Min called on the Security Council to unify its stances towards the issue of the chemical weapons.

He stressed that his country will continue its constructive and positive role to find an appropriate solution to the crisis in Syria.

Meanwhile, Venezuela’s Permanent Representative to the UN  Rafael  Ramirez Carreno said that Syria positively  cooperates  with the OPCW and commits to the UN Security Council’s Resolutions, particularly No. 2118, pointing out that any resolution which allows the use of power would undermine all efforts to solve the crisis in Syria peacefully.

H. Zain/ Mazen

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