Bogdanov meeting Haddad: Need for a political solution for crisis in Syria through dialogue

Moscow, SANA – The political solution for the crisis in Syria, including Russian efforts for continuing consultative meeting between the Syrian government and opposition in Moscow, were on the table during a meeting held Wednesday in Moscow between Russian President’s Special Envoy for the Middle East, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and Syria’s Ambassador in Moscow Riyad Haddad.

Preliminary consultative meetings were concluded on January 29th between a Syrian government delegation and opposition figures.

The Syrian Government delegation agreed with 5 opposition parties and other opposition figures on a group of principles proposed by Russia under the title “Moscow Principles” .

“Moscow and Damascus firm stances towards finding a political solution to the crisis in Syria through a wide national dialogue which aims at achieving a comprehensive agreement among Syrians far from any foreign interference based on Geneva Communique issued on June 30, 2012, were affirmed during the discussions between Bogdanov and Haddad”, Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Both sides exchanged view pointes on the situation in Syria during the meeting, the statement pointed out, asserting that the two sides have concentrated on settling the crisis in Syria in the framework of the Russian-exerted efforts to continue the “Moscow process”.

“Moscow Principles” focus on maintaining Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, combating terrorism in all its forms, finding a settlement to the crisis with peaceful political means, rejecting any foreign interference, maintaining the Syrian Arab Army and Armed Forces as an example for national unity and the role of the state establishments and developing them.

H. Zain / Barry

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