Army units kill many terrorists, including 50 in Hama and 30 ISIS members in Homs

Provinces, SANA – Units of the army and armed forces on Tuesday continued its mop-up operations, tightening the noose around foreign-backed terrorists in several areas across the country.


Units of the army and armed forces intensified fire power against terrorist organizations’ dens and gatherings in Qar’ al-Ghazal, al-Houteh, Tal Salmo and Um Jerin in Abu al-Duhour area in the countryside of the northern Idleb province, a military source said Tuesday.

Many terrorists were killed and some of their vehicles were destroyed during the army strikes, the source told SANA.

More terrorists were killed, others were left injured and their ammo and weapons were destroyed during army operations in Maaret Harma village.

The army also destroyed terrorists’ concentrations in al- Rami, al-Habbat, Abu al-Dohour and Tal Salmo.

Engineering units dismantled 3 explosive devices planted by terrorists on the entrance of Ma’taram village in Areha.

Internationally wanted French criminal reported killed

Meanwhile, activists circulated news on social media pages about the killing of Bassam al-Ayashi, an internationally-wanted criminal of French nationality, in the area near Arab Saeed town to the west of Idleb city.


Army units killed more than 30 terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) organization in Jazal in the countryside of Palmyra.

Many terrorists were killed and others were injured in army strikes on their gatherings in al-Talila area southeast of Palmyra, in addition to destroying many of their hideouts in Tal Mahasa and Tal Abdo areas.

In Jub al-Jarah area, the army targeted terrorist dens and some of their vehicles, destroying them along with terrorists inside them in Rasm al-Tawil, Mas’ada, Um al-Rais and Abu Qator.

Others Army units eliminated a number of terrorists during their attempt to infiltrate from Um Sahrij village towards Twlol al-Hawa and Maksar al-Hissan villages, in addition to killing terrorists in Burj Ka’ey in al-Hola in the northern countryside of the province.

Army units destroyed terrorists’ concentrations in al-Hola, killing a number of terrorists and destroying a number of vehicles equipped with medium machineguns.

A number of terrorists were killed and others were injured on the road between al-Gajar and al-Rastan.

In al-Waer neighborhood in Homs city, the army continued its operations in cooperation with popular defense groups, killing many terrorist organizations members.


Units of the army and armed forces killed 40 terrorists and destroyed their weapons and ammo in operations targeting terrorist hideouts in Kafr Zita in Hama’s countryside near Idleb’s southern countryside.

The army also carried out a special operation targeting terrorist gatherings in al-Latamneh in Hama’s northwestern countryside, killing a number of terrorists and injuring others, in addition to a precise and concentrated operation targeting terrorist hideouts in Eqeirbat, which resulted in the death of ten terrorists.

An army unit targeted terrorist hideouts and concentrations in the village of al-Rahjan in al-Salamiye area, leaving many terrorists dead and injured and destroying their ammo, in addition to eliminating a number of terrorists in the village of Hamadi Omar on the road between al-Balaas Mountain and Palmyra.

Another unit eliminated a number of terrorist, injured others, and destroyed their hideouts in the village of al-Hwaiz in al-Ghab Plain area, while yet another unit inflicted losses upon terrorists in Hurr Binafso in the province’s southern countryside.


Army units destroyed terrorist organizations’ dens, killing many of their members, in Khan al-Jouz, al-Eido, al-Hor, Kansaba, Salma, and al-Aliyeh in the northern countryside of Lattakia province.

The operations resulted in the death of many terrorists including Maher al-Tellawi, Abdelsalam Sido, Hisham Zako, Marwan Zahira, Ali Kerkasi, Mahmoud Ashira, and Mohammad Safu, in addition to destroying their weapons, ammo, and a number of their vehicles.

Damascus Countryside

Army units focused an intense barrage of firepower on terrorist hideouts in the eastern part of al-Qalamon area in Damascus Countryside on Monday, killing a large number of terrorists and destroying a cache containing large amounts of ammunition and weapons.

On Tuesday, army units destroyed a vehicle along with the terrorists inside it in the farms north of Harasta and demolished a tunnel which was used by terrorists in al-Intaj neighborhood in Harasta.

In Douma, the army carried out concentrated operations in Aliya farms, resulting in the death of many terrorists including Abdelfattah Bwarbubia from Libya and Fayez Jarboua from Palestine.

At the outskirts of Erbin, terrorist Mohammad al-Malla was killed, while clashes in Jobar resulted in losses among terrorists.

In the south of Eastern Ghouta, an army unit destroyed two vehicles used by terrorists and eliminated the terrorists Kassem Kassab and Qutaiba Ghabash in the farms of Zebdin town in al-Mleiha area.


Units of the army and armed forces on Tuesday killed and injured numbers of terrorists in Aqraba, Um al- Awsaj, Tal-Antar, Tal-Qarein and Samlin.

A military source told SANA that the army destroyed a pickup truck transferring terrorists in al-Zemrin town in the southern province.

In the Eastern part of the province, a unit of the army destroyed a vehicle loaded with terrorists in al-Gharia al-Gharbiya, while other terrorists were killed and injured in the town of al-Kark al-Sharqi, according to the source.

Other army units killed and wounded a number of terrorists in Attman town to the northern part of Daraa city as well as killed and injured another number of terrorists’ hideouts at the surroundings of Katakit Build. And om Daraj at Karak neighborhood.

Army units clashed with terrorists in al-No’ayma in Daraa countryside, killing a number of them and destroying two vehicles equipped with machineguns.

Army units destroyed two vehicles and killed all terrorists on-board in al-Lajat and Enkhel and killed a number of terrorists near Mahja area.

The army targeted terrorists’ hideouts and concentrations in the area of Tal Qarin.

Meanwhile, Terrorist organizations affirmed losses in their ranks and killing of a number of them including one of what they call a group leader “Abu Muhamad al-Sharhouli”.


Units of the army and armed forces destroyed a mortar base and many vehicles, leaving all terrorists aboard killed in the roundabout of Nabe’ al-Sakher, al-Hamidia, al-Samdania al-Gharbia and Boreiqa in the countryside of al-Quneitra province.

An army unit destroyed a convoy of terrorists’ vehicles in Khazan Rasm al-Shouleh in Quneitra countryside, in addition to destroying heavy machineguns in al-Rawabi village.

Army units targeted terrorists’ concentrations and vehicles in the areas of al-Batiha, Mashara, Umm Batina and Rasm al-Shoula roundabout in Quneitra countryside.

A military source said the army targeted terrorists’ vehicles in route to Umm al-Izam in Quneitra countryside and killed all terrorists onboard.

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