Al-Moallem: Israeli attempt to establish security belt in occupied Syrian Golan doomed to failure

Damascus, SANA Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem stressed that Israeli occupation’s attempt to create a security belt in the occupied Syrian Golan is doomed to failure thanks to the Syrian Arab army and the popular resistance as this attempt was foiled in south of Lebanon thanks to the Lebanese
national resistance.

In an interview with al-Alam TV on Monday evening, al-Moallem described the Israeli policy as short-sighted, asserting that the Syrian Army and the popular resistance are exerting huge military
efforts in confronting “Jabhat al-Nusra” terrorists, other terrorists and Israeli schemes.

“Israel stands behind all what is going on, as its War Minister Moshe Ya’alon has admitted cooperation with Jabhat al-Nusra and offering
logistic and military services to it,” Minister Moallem added, asserting that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization is not an enemy to Israel.

He pointed out that what Syria is undergoing is a “war” and an international conspiracy led by the US and followed by EU countries, some regional countries like Turkey and some Gulf countries,
asserting that this conspiracy is targeting Syria’s resistant stance.

The Foreign Minister underlined that Geneva 1 and Geneva 2 conferences were not an intra-Syrian dialogue, but a dialogue between the Syrian government delegation and more than 35 countries through the so-called (the Coalition) delegation which was unable to accept or reject any decision unless consulting with these countries.

The problem with the UN envoys to Syria is their inability to convince the countries supporting terrorism, like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, to stop their support in addition to non-
commitment of the US and its allies to the UN Resolutions No. 2170 and 2178 on combating terrorism, al-Moallem went on to say.

” We don’t need any one to bring its ground forces to fight the ISIS as we have the Syrian Arab Army and popular defense units who are
performing this task and we have resilient people, “he said, adding that what is required from the international community is to really dry up terrorism resources and compel Jordan and Turkey to control their borders.

He reiterated that Turkey constitutes a strategic depth for the ISIS, a market for selling its stolen goods and a shelter for treating its
injured terrorists, therefore Turkey can’t join Washington’s ally for combating terrorism.

The Minister pointed that Jordan, due to its economic conditions, joined anti-Syria Saudi-Gulf scheme where it will get a financial support on one hand, and satisfy the United States and Israel on the other hand.

“The relations with Saudi Arabia are severed from their side ,” al-Moallem said, asserting that Saudi Arabia’s support to the terrorists in Syria is crystal clear.

He accused some Lebanese parties of conspiring against Syria, hailing the resistant stance of the Lebanese Hezbollah Party.

Our decision in Syria is that we welcome whoever extends his hand to us and who doesn’t, we will turn our back to him.”

Al-Moallem emphasized that Syria’s ties with Iran and Russia are “strategic, asserting the continued consultations among the three countries on various issues.

H. Zain / Ghossoun

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