Temperatures to drop, showers expected over most regions

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will drop to become around average as the country is affected by a superficial low air pressure from the south direction accompanied by low air pressure in the upper layers of the atmosphere

The skies will be clear to cloudy in general with a little chance for thunder showers over the coastal, northern and central regions, according to Saturday meteorology bulletin.

The wind will be western to southwestern direction with low to a moderate speed, while the sea waves will be low in height.

The expected temperatures in some major Syrian cities will be as follows: Damascus 14/5, Daraa 13/9, Homs 13/7, Hasaka 13/6, Tartous 16/13, Aleppo 12.4, Deir Ezzor 13/8

Rafah al-Allouni/ Mazen Eyon

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