More terrorists wounded in Syria admitted to Israeli hospitals

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA – Israeli occupation forces transported Wednesday night three wounded terrorists from Syria to its hospitals in the occupied Palestinian territories in clear evidence of its support to terrorist organizations in Syria.

Members of  “Jabhat al-Nusra” terrorist organization spread in the disengagement zone, and they are being supported by Israel, in spite of the UN condemnation of terrorist crimes perpetrated by this organization.

Israeli “Walla” website asserted Thursday that Israeli occupation forces moved three wounded “Syrians” from Syria to “Nahariya” hospital in Galilee, citing that the number of wounded terrorists that have been treated at the hospital reached 465 persons.

Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, Israel’s support to terrorists has been very clear at all levels, particularly through occupied Golan, in an outrageous violation of the international law and the relevant UN Security Council’s resolutions.

H. Said

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