Shaaban dismisses as “baseless” any change in Russia stance towards Syria

Damascus, SANA – Presidential Political and Media Advisor Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban said that the resilience of Syria and its continued balanced logic in combating terrorism would have a role in the regional and the international arena.

Shaaban added, in an interview with the Syrian TV on Wednesday, Syria could play a key role in combating terrorism as Europe and the US’s awareness against its risks has increased.

Shaaban pointed out that terrorist organization of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is not a middle eastern or Arab made, but an international one as the west has goals and strategies in the region on top is the security of Israel through weakening the Arab armies.

” The visit of the Syrian delegation to Moscow was “successful” as it proves Russia’s firm stance for supporting Syria in combating terrorism and shows Russia’s respect to the decision of the Syrian people and its keenness on Syria’s unity and territorial integrity,” Shaaban said, dismissing as “baseless” any change in Russia stance towards Syria.

Shaaban elaborated that Russia is playing a significant role in easing the impact of the role played by certain states like Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia on the track of the events (in Syria).

She pointed out that Russian and Syrian view pointes towards inter-Syrian dialogue are close, asserting that what has been agreed upon in Moscow is to continue consultations between the two governments for setting bases for this dialogue and its goals.

“The Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad cares for the bases of dialogue should to be sound, solid and lead to restoring Syria’s security and safety” Shaaban said.

The Political Advisor reiterated that the Syrian government has determined, during Geneva conference 2014, combating terrorism is a top priority for Syria and the region.

Shaaban pointed out that Syrian government cares for the interest of Syria and its people therefore it deals with any envoy or proposal from this perspective, emphasizing that ” Syria is waiting for the outcome of the UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura’s consultations with the other parties.

She expressed hope that Russian-Turkish relations would help in easing Turkish hostility towards Syria as turkey has led the war against Syria by facilitating the entry of terrorists, arming and training them.

She expected that turkey will change its policy in the future for many reason, mainly for an internal one, as its policy in the region is doomed to failure and its consequences will affect the Turkish President and his Foreign Minister.

On the Iranian-Western rapprochement, Shaaban underlined that Iran is a strong regional country and its good relations with the world would serve Syria’s interests.

She said all attempts to create ethnic, racial and sectarian states have failed as they failed in Syria.

H. Zain/ Ghossoun

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