On 38th anniversary of annexation decision, occupied Golan will ever remain Syrian

Quneitra, SANA_ Thirty eight years after the notorious Israeli decision of annexing the occupied Syrian Arab Golan, our people in occupied Golan have been steadfast in confronting the Israeli decisions and aggressive measures.

In these days, the Syrian people, in general, and the people of Golan, in particular, remember the Israeli ill-famed decision to annex Golan which was issued by the occupation authorities on December 14, 1981.

The people in the occupied Syrian Golan have stressed their adherence to their motherland, Syria and their Syrian Arab identity considering this decision as null and void.

The sinister Israeli decision was inseparable from the repressive measures adopted by the occupation authorities against Golan and its people.

From the very beginning of the Israeli occupation of Golan, the Israeli authorities started expansionist settlement activities through displacing the Golan people, dredging the Golan villages and constructing Jewish settlements.

The Israeli authorities also besieged and isolated the villages of Mas’ada, Majdal Shams, Buq’atha, Eyn Qaniya and al-Ghajar and prevented people of these villages from continuity with their motherland, Syria.

In response to the Israeli decision, the people of Golan issued the National Document on March 25th in which they affirmed that “the occupied Golan is part and parcel of Syria and the Syrian Arab nationality cannot be dismantled from the people of Golan.”

The Golan people’s resistance of the notorious decision has been ceaseless. It was first manifested in a six-month strike declared on February 14, 1982 that caused the paralysis of all activities in the occupied Golan. In parallel of the open strike, massive demonstrations were staged in protest of this racist decision.

The occupation authorities escalated their oppressive measures against people in the Golan including a wide-scale arrest campaign of men, women and the elderly, cutting off electricity and water and prevented food supplies for more than forty days.

Despite the Israeli savage practices and atrocious crimes, the resistance of our people in occupied Golan continued unabated offering hundreds of martyrs who paid their lives for the sake of liberating their lands.

On December 17, 1981 the UN Security Council issued a resolution considering the Israeli decision as null and void and stressing the Syrian Arab identity of the occupied Golan.

On December 3, 2019, the UN General Assembly reiterated demands for Israel to fully withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan until June 4th, 1967 in implementation of the relevant UN Security Council.


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