Iraqi, Palestinian Foreign Ministries: Trump’s statements on occupied Golan violate international law

Baghdad, Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Iraqi Foreign Ministry on Saturday affirmed that US President Donald Trump’s statements on the occupied Syrian Golan contradict with the international law.

The Ministry’s Spokesman Ahmed al-Sahhaf said in a statement quoted by al-Sumaria News that Trump’s statements “give legitimacy to the occupation and they contradict with the international law.”

“Iraq supports the international legitimacy resolutions issued by the international Security Council which stipulate for ending the occupation.”

Palestinian Foreign Ministry: Trump’s statements on occupied Golan violate international legitimacy

In the same context, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry affirmed that the Golan is a Syrian territory occupied by “Israel” since 1967, indicating that Trump’s resolutions on the Golan are a blatant violation of the international law and legitimacy.

In a statement quoted by Wafa News Agency, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry added that those statements represent the approach of occupation and arrogance adopted by the US and “Israel” and an attempt by Trump’s administration to change the world order and to control it.

The Ministry called upon the international community, particularly the states which claim that they are keen on the security and stability of the region to unify their efforts to stand in the face of the US full bias to the Israeli occupation and its policies.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri


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