Cleansing rugged Tuloul al-Safa area is a knockout blow to terrorism and its makers

Sweida, SANA- By establishing complete control over Tuloul al-Safa area in the countryside of Sweida Province following the elimination of the last terrorist gathering of Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization, the Syrian Arab Army has achieved a new decisive victory on terrorism and its supporters , in which the army announced the entire southern region free of terrorism.

Safety and security have been restored to an area of 380 square kilometers in the the Syrian Badiya, being the last stronghold for Daesh in the southern region.

the liberated areas includes the villages of Tuloul al-Safa , Tal Marati , Sutoouh al-Mahrouqa, al-kwaber, al-Masaha, Qaber al-Sheikh Maskin , Qoubour al-Weizah, Jour al-Hisan, Jour Qreima, Mabeit, Khneiser, al-Moutaleh, Sateh al-Jamal, al-khadra, Soutouh Salama and al-Jafajef achieved victory on terrorism.

On Monday, The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces announced the entire southern region free of terrorism after the elimination of the last terrorist gatherins of Desah in Tuloul al-Safa area deep inside Sweida eastern Badiya (Desert).

Speaking to SANA, a field commander said that” the army units carried out a string of accurate and focused military operations in the area which is extended on a volcanic crater on an area of 400 kilometers with rocky cliffs and large ruins, which impedes the movement of vehicles. “we depended on the infantry and the special forces, which were able to clear the area from Deash terrorists in a short time where most of the terrorists were killed while the remnants fled away .

Another field commander indicated that the full coordination and success in the application of combat tactics , the heroism of the Syrian army personnel and their high combat efficiency they gained in the fight against terrorist organizations were the factors that contributed to achieving the victory and eradicating terrorism.
The commander confirmed the insistence to step forward in order to clear all the Syrian territories from terrorism and raise the Syrian flag over it.

The army’s victory in an area of difficult geographic nature as Tuloul al-Safa is a shot in the chest of terrorism and its makers and an advanced step towards uprooting the remnants of terrorists’ hotbeds anywhere and everywhere across Syria , including Idleb, western countryside of Aleppo and the east of Euphrates river and other areas.

Shaza/Rasha Milhem

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