Commissioned by President al-Assad, Minister Azzam congratulates families of Sweida freed abductees

Sweida, SANA-Commissioned by President Bashar al-Assad, Minister of Presidential Affairs Mansour Azzam offered condolences to the families of Sweida martyrs who were killed after they were kidnapped by ISIS terrorist organization.

This came during a funeral in their village al-Shabki in Sweida eastern countryside.

Minister Azzam also relayed President al-Assad’s congratulations to the families of former ISIS abductees who have been freed recently.

The martyrs’ family members thanked President al-Assad for giving great attention to freeing the abductees, also thanking the Syrian Arab army in whom they place unwavering trust.

On Nov 9, the Syrian Arab army managed, in a valiant and accurate operation, to liberate the civilians abducted by ISIS terrorist organization from Sweida province weeks ago, following a fierce battle with an ISIS group in Humeima area northeast of Tadmur (Palmyra).

A batch of women and children who had been abducted from al-Shabki village in Sweida eastern countryside were liberated from ISIS on October 20.

On July 25, ISIS kidnapped a number of civilians, most of them women and children, following terrorist attacks that the terrorist organization mounted against villages in the province’s eastern and northern countryside and a string of suicide bombings in Sweida city that killed several civilians.


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