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Video SANA

May, 2018

  • 11 May

    Terrorists hand over medium and heavy weapons before leaving southern Damascus to northern Syria


  • 11 May

    Techno Build Exhibition 2018 kicks off in Damascus


  • 11 May

    Syrian Army operations against terrorists in al-Hajar al-Aswad continue


  • 11 May

    Normal life in Damascus hours after Army’s confronting of Israeli missile aggression


  • 11 May

    Statement by Army General Command on Israeli aggression


  • 10 May

    The photographed part of President al-Assad’s interview given to Greek Kathimerini newspaper-Video


  • 10 May

    Syrian air defenses shoot down Israeli missiles


  • 9 May

    Surveillance footage captures moment when Syrian Arab Army air defenses shot down two Israeli missiles in al-Kisweh area

  • 9 May

    Fire caused by downing of the two Israeli missiles in al-Kisweh area

  • 8 May

    Huge turnout witnessed by Aleppo International Fair