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July, 2014

  • 19 July

    Open sports day for children with special needs

    Damascus, SANA – The Syrian Special Olympics organized an open sports day for children with special needs at al-Faihaa Sport City in Damascus. Children enjoyed a variety of artistic, sport …

  • 17 July

    Syrian Swimmer Saleh Mohammad prepares for Canada Swimming Marathon

    Damascus, SANA – Syrian swimmer Saleh Mohammad is scheduled to participate in the 2014 circuit of the FINA 10km Marathon Swimming World Cup due in Canada on July 26th. Mohammad …

  • 14 July

    Brazil 2014: Germany wins its fourth World Cup

    Brasilia, SANA – The German team beat its Argentinean counterpart in the World Cup 2014 Final 1-0 and won its fourth title. Germany won the FIFA World Cup in 1954, …

  • 13 July

    Netherlands defeats Brazil, wins third place

    Brasilia, SANA – The Netherlands secured the consolation of third place at the 2014 FIFA World Cup courtesy after defeating Brazil 3-0. Brazil came to a miserable end as the …

  • 10 July

    Syrian athlete wins gold medal in high jump in Moscow Championships

    Damascus, SANA – Athlete Majd-Eddin Ghazal won the gold medal in high jump in Moscow Friendly Athletics Championships. Ghazal, who is member of the national athletics team, was ranked first …

  • 10 July

    Argentina defeats Netherlands, advances to World Cup finals

    Brasilia, SANA – Argentina defeated Netherlands on Wednesday after winning the penalty shootout 4-2 to send it to the World Cup finals in Sao Paulo. The Argentinean keeper Sergio Romero …

  • 7 July

    Al-Wahda, al-Jaish, al-Huriya, al-Nawae’r and Misfat Banyas qualify to the Republic’s cup quarter finals

    Damascus, SANA- Syrian football teams of al-Wahda, al-Jaish, al-Huriya, al-Nawae’r and Misfat Banyas qualified Monday to the Republic’s cup quarter finals. Al-wahda beat al-Shorta 3-0, al-Jaish beat al-Majd 4-0, al-Huriya beat …

  • 7 July

    Brazil and Germany face off on Tuesday for a spot in the World Cup final match

    Damascus, SANA – Brazil and Germany will face each other on Tuesday in the 2014 FIFA World Cup semi-finals, with the two football giants vying for a spot in the …

  • 5 July

    Germany, Brazil to World Cup Semi-finals

    Brasilia, SANA- Germany  qualified Friday to the World cup semi- finals after beating its French counterpart 1-0  in the match held during the quarter-finals of the competition being held in …

  • 3 July

    National Summer Athletics Championship held in Damascus

    Damascus, SANA – A wide participation of 170 male and female athletes was witnessed in the National Summer Athletics Championship which concluded last Tuesday amid heated competition. The competitions were …