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Reality of Events

March, 2016

  • 2 March

    Updated-The army restores security to a village in Aleppo, inflicts more losses upon ISIS in several areas

    Provinces, SANA- The army and armed forces continued fighting ISIS terrorists in different provinces, killing or injuring scores of them and destroying more of their equipment. Aleppo An army unit restored …

  • 1 March

    Russia: 15 breaches of cessation of hostilities by terrorist organizations in Syria in past 24 hours

    Moscow, SANA – The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday that the cessation of hostilities in Syria was breached 15 times by terrorist organizations during the past 24 hours. The …

  • 1 March

    Shelling attack from Turkish side targets foreign journalists in northern Lattakia

    Lattakia, SANA – A group of foreign journalists came under a terrorist attack in the northeastern countryside of Lattakia, a source on the ground told SANA on Tuesday. The source …

  • 1 March

    Terrorists target Daraa city with shells, causing material damage

    Daraa, SANA-Terrorist organizations targeted with mortar and rocket shells al-Sabil and al-Mattar neighborhoods in Daraa city in the southern province of Daraa. A source at Daraa province told SANA that …

  • 1 March

    Updated-The Syrian Air Force destroys positions of ISIS in Homs, Deir Ezzor

    Provinces, SANA- The Syrian Army Air Force carried out sorties during the last 24 hours against ISIS terrorists’ gatherings in al-Qaryatain town and Mahasa village cross road to the east of …

  • 1 March

    80 persons in Damascus got their legal status settled

    Damascus, SANA- Some 80 persons have their legal status settled, within the local reconciliation, at al-Qadam neighborhood in Damascus, SANA reporter said Tuesday. Earlier on Monday, 1,200 persons from Daraa …

  • 1 March

    Two cars loaded with weapons seized in Sweida countryside-VIDEO

    Sweida, SANA- Authorities, in cooperation with locals, seized Monday in two separate operations, two cars loaded with a big amount of landmines, RPG shells, and different types of ammo were …

February, 2016

  • 29 February

    Army restores security and stability to Aleppo-Khanaser road in Aleppo- VIDEO

    Provinces, SANA- The Syrian Arab Army, backed by its Air Forces restored security and stability to new villages, inflicted heavy losses upon ISIS terrorists in personnel and ranks and destroyed …

  • 29 February

    1,200 wanted persons have their legal status settled in Daraa

    Daraa, SANA – 1,200 wanted persons had their legal status settled on Monday in the framework of the continued national reconciliations in Daraa countryside. SANA’s reporter said that most of …

  • 28 February

    A citizen killed, 8 inured in a terrorist attack in Deir Ezzor

    Deir Ezzor, Lattakia, SANA-A citizen was killed on Sunday and 8 others were injured in a terrorist attack with rocket shells fired by ISIS on al-Qusur neighborhood in the city. …