Home / Presidency Of Syrian Arab Republic (page 29)

Presidency Of Syrian Arab Republic

August, 2022

  • 27 August

    President al-Assad issues administrative order to end military personnel retention of some soldiers, sergeants

    Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad, Commander-in-Chief of the army and armed forces, issued on Saturday an administrative order that ends the military personnel retention of soldiers and sergeants as of October …

  • 25 August

    President al-Assad to Dlamini: Syria committed to develop relations with South Africa

    Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday that Syria is committed to develop relations with South Africa, based on a vision that depends on common interests between the two countries, …

  • 18 August

    Presidential decree on unprecedented exemptions and facilitations for heritage souks in Aleppo, Homs and Deir Ezzor provinces

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday issued the Legislative Decree no. 13 for the year 2022 on providing a package of facilitations and exemptions that ensure supportive environment to …

  • 10 August

    President al-Assad awards Pakistani Ambassador in Damascus Syrian Order of Merit of Excellent Degree

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad awarded Mr. Saeed Muhammad Khan, Ambassador of Pakistan to Syria, the Syrian Order of Merit of the Excellent Degree in honor of his efforts to …

  • 3 August

    President al-Assad issues decree setting September 18th as date for election of local councils’ members

    Damascus, SANA- Based on the provisions of the Local Administration Law issued by Legislative Decree No. 107, and on the provisions of the General Election Law No. 5, President Bashar …

  • 1 August

    Addressing armed forces on Army Day, President al-Assad: Let your motive always be homeland glory and prosperity

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad, Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Armed Forces, has addressed the personnel of our valiant armed forces on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the …

July, 2022

  • 28 July

    President al-Assad receives participants in Arab Writers meeting.. loss of identity is most dangerous factor that faces Arab region

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad received on Thursday the participants in the Arab Writers and intellectuals meeting being held in Damascus. President al-Assad considered that talking with intellectuals and writers …

  • 27 July

    President al-Assad awards Chinese Ambassador in Damascus the Syrian Order of Merit of the Excellent degree

    Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday awarded Ambassador Feng Biao the Syrian Order of Merit of the Excellent degree in appreciation of his efforts to develop and enhance the Syrian-Chinese …

  • 25 July

    President al-Assad to Lamamra : Syria’s main concern is in the formula and product of joint Arab action

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad on Monday discussed with Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ramtane Lamamra means of enhancing brotherly relations between Syria and Algeria based on principles, common values …

  • 20 July

    President al-Assad issues decrees on appointing new governors for eight Syrian provinces

    Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad issued Wednesday five decrees for the year 2022 appointing new governors for the provinces of Damascus, Damascus countryside, Hama, Tartous, Quneitra, Homs, Sweida and Hasaka. Decree …