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Tag Archives: RPGs

Weapons, ammo left behind by terrorists found in Homs northern countryside

Homs, SANA_ The competent authorities on Sunday found weapons and ammunition left behind by terrorist groups in al-Houla area in Homs northern countryside. SANA reporter said that during the combing …

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Missiles and weapons left behind terrorists found in Damascus Countryside

Damascus Countryside, SANA- Authorities on Wednesday discovered large amounts of weapons and ammo left behind terrorists, including mortar launchers, LAW missiles, Western – made sniper rifles in Damascus countryside. Speaking …

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Authorities confiscate Israeli made weapons in Sweida countryside

Sweida, SANA – The authorities, in cooperation with the locals, confiscated Wednesday morning a car loaded with Israeli-made mines, mortar rounds, RPGs and grenades in the western countryside of Sweida …

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