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Tag Archives: Security Council

Russia: US attempts to blame Syrian government for chemical attacks devoid of any logic

Moscow, SANA – The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the US attempts to blame the Syrian government for the use of chemical weapons are devoid of any logic, and that …

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Foreign Ministry: Israeli attacks will not succeed in protecting its partners the terrorist organizations

Damascus, sANA – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that the Israeli attacks on Syria prove the dangerous and hostile course followed by the Israel occupation Army with the aim …

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Putin, Russian Security Council discuss preparations for Syrian National Dialogue Congress

Moscow, SANA-Russian President,Vladimir Putin, and permanent members of the Russian Security Council discussed on Monday the preparations for holding the Syrian National Dialogue Congress. “The sides discussed in detail prospects …

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Russia vetoes draft resolution extending UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism mandate in Syria

New York, SANA-Russia vetoed a draft resolution submitted by United States to the UN Security Council on extending the mandate of the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism in Syria for a …

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Syria demands immediate international action against US-led coalition

Damascus, SANA – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry addressed on Thursday new letters to the chiefs of the UN and the international Security Council over the constantly repeated attacks of …

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Syria rejects Israeli occupation’s announcement of holding “local councils” elections in occupied Syrian Golan

Damascus, SANA – The Foreign and Expatriate Ministry affirmed that Syria categorically rejects the announcement by the Israeli occupation on holding elections of the so-called “local councils” on October 2018 …

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Syria demands immediate cessation of illegal attacks by US-led international coalition

Damascus, SANA – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Saturday called for once again for the cessation of the US-led international coalition’s illegal actions, after the coalition’s warplanes targeted al-Mayadeen …

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Munzer at UNSC session: US aggression on Syria is a continuation of erroneous US strategy that supports terrorists

New York, SANA – Deputized chargé d’affaires of Syria’s permanent delegation at the UN Munzer Munzer said that the blatant US aggression on Syria is a continuation of erroneous US …

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Gatilov: Western draft resolution on imposing sanctions on Syria under pretext of chemical weapons use unacceptable

Geneva, SANA – Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that the draft resolution submitted by some Western states to the Security Council which suggests imposing sanctions on Syria under …

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Safronkov: Russia will veto Western resolution threatening sanctions on Syria under pretext of chemical weapons

New York, SANA – Russia’s Permanent Representative at the UN Vladimir Safronkov said that Russia will veto a draft resolution prepared by the US, UK, and France which threatens to …

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