Non-Aligned Movement stresses support to Syria in restoring occupied Syrian Golan

Margarita, Venezuela, SANA – Leaders of states and governments of the Non-Aligned Movement renewed Monday support to Syria for the restoration of the occupied Syrian Golan and rejected all forms of the unilateral US sanctions imposed on the Syrian people.

In the final document of the Movement’s 17th Summit held in the Venezuelan Island of Margarita, the leaders condemned the support provided by Israel to the armed terrorist organizations as well as the brutal crimes committed by ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and other al-Qaeda-linked terrorist organizations.

They stressed the nullity of the Israeli measures taken or that will be taken regarding the occupied Syrian Golan such as its illegitimate Resolution on Dec.14, 1981 which aims at changing the legal and demographic situation of the Golan.

The statement also vehemently condemned the meeting held by the Israeli occupation in the occupied Syrian Golan on April 17th and the Israeli statements issued on it, considering the meeting as provocative with the Israeli statements constituting a serious violation of the international law and the UN Security Council’s resolutions.

The statement demanded the Israeli occupation entity to apply the Security Council Resolution No. 497 for 1981 and completely withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of June 4, 1967 in application of resolutions No. 242 and 338 and in compliance with Madrid Reference based on the principle of land for peace and the international legitimacy.

The statement also urged the Israeli occupation forces to re-open Quneitra crossing to facilitate the visits of the Syrian citizens under the Israeli occupation to their homeland Syria.

The statement lauded the constructive cooperation of the Syrian government with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on implementing its obligations emerged from the Convention (CWC) and implementing the OPCW executive council’s resolutions.

The statement affirmed rejection of all forms of sanctions imposed on the Movement’s member states, considering that the so-called “Syria Accountability Act” does not go in line with the international law and constitutes a breach of the UN Charter purposes, calling upon the US Administration to declare that this Act is null and illegitimate.

R. Milhem / Ghossoun

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