Bogdanov: Moscow harbors no secret plans to resolve crisis in Syria, Russia-US Ceasefire pact will be unveiled at UN Security Council

Moscow, SANA- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said that “Last week’s agreement between the Russian and US senior diplomats on a ceasefire in Syria should give impetus to the start of inclusive dialogue between the Syrian government and opposition”.

“All of these agreements we believe should very seriously promote the beginning of a sustainable, inclusive political process with the participation of all Syrian pro-government and anti-government forces”, Bogdanov added in an interview with Sputnik on Friday.

Bogdanov highlighted that “Russia expects the United States to conduct details talks with the armed Syrian opposition unwilling to comply with this week’s ceasefire”.
“Some of the armed groups place themselves outside these agreements and in effect support the terrorists with their reluctance to respect the Russian-US-brokered truce”, he said.

Bogdanov added “We expect from our US partners a demanding conversation with these irreconcilable opposition members, because their position does not lead to peace in Syria.

Bogdanov pointed out that Moscow does not hide secret plans to resolve the crisis in Syria, clarifying that “In contrast to public statements by some Western and Arab representatives that they have a certain plan ‘B’, we say regularly that we have no secret plans ‘B’ or ‘C’”.

He affirmed that Russia maintains the course of adhering to and calling on others to adhere to agreements reached in Vienna and at the UN Security Council.


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