Putin discusses with Russian Security Council means to Cut off funding sources for terrorists

Moscow, SANA-Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the permanent members of Russia’s Security Council means to cut off the funding sources for terrorist organizations, means to solve the crisis in Syria and the economic situation in Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday.

Peskov added that the meeting dealt with issues of cutting off the terrorist financing sources in light of the UN Security Council’s adoption of a resolution in this regard.

The UN Security Council unanimously adopted on Thursday a resolution aimed at fighting funding of terrorism and strengthening legal measures against those doing business with terrorist groups mainly ISIS, al-Qaeda and any other group, company or organization linked to them.

“An exchange of views also took place in the meeting on Syrian settlement, including with regard to the negotiations set to take place in New York later today, where Russia will be represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov,” Peskov said.

Manar al-Frieh/Manal

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