Militants in Zabadani turn in themselves to the Army who establishes control over areas in Hama, kills terrorists in others

Provinces, SANA – The army continued its crackdown on terrorist organizations, with its units striking hard on the terrorists’ positions and supply routes, backed by the air force.


The Army air force destroyed terrorists’ dens in al-Inkawi, Dukmak, al-Hamidia, Kaston and Tal Zajram in Hama countryside.

Army units carried out a large-scale operation in al-Ghab plain in the northwestern countryside of the central Hama province in which they retook a number of towns and areas from the terrorists, a military source told SANA on Wednesday.

Those included the towns of al-Mansoura, Khirbet al-Naqous, Tal Waset, al-Ziyarah and al-Msheik and the areas of the Silos and the Agricultural Development Department.

The source confirmed that hundreds of terrorists, most of them foreigners, were killed in the operation.


Units of the army killed a number of ISIS terrorists in the surrounding of the Air force academy in Aleppo’s eastern countryside.

The army also struck terrorists in Tal al-Na’ameh and west of al-Ridwaniyeh and east of Assfera in Aleppo countryside.

In Aleppo city, the army killed terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations in special operations against their dens in old Aleppo, al-Rashideen, Karm al-Jabal, Karm al-Nuzha and Karm al-Qaturji.


In the neighboring central province, the army units, backed by Air Force and popular defense groups, destroyed hideouts and and vehicles of the the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organisation in Homs countryside.

The army units clashed with ISIS terrorists, who tried to attack military posts on al-Qariatian city roundabout, at the surroundings of QumQum Gas Station on Homs-Palmyra road and In plantation of al-Hir Palace, killing a number of the ISIS terrorists and a number of them fled.

Terrorists armored vehicle, two cars equipped with machineguns and amounts of weapons and ammunition were also destroyed in the clash.

The source added that the army air force destroyed ISIS terrorists’ hideouts and vehicles , killing a number of its members in al-Muthalath area and at the surroundings of al-Maqalea area, 10 km northwest of Palmyra.

The army air force killed a number of ISIS terrorists and destroyed their machineguns equipped vehicles in army air strikes against their hideouts and movements in the villages of al-Dweibeh and um al-Rish in the eastern countryside of the province.

In al-Hula area in the northern countryside of the province, army units destroyed –Jabhat al-Nusra-linked terrorist organizations’ hideouts in the village of Tal Dahab, inflicting heavy losses upon them in personnel and equipment.

Army units killed a number of terrorists in al-Sa’an al-Aswad , al-Sa’an al-Shamali, Ain Hussein al-Janoubi village and al-Rastan al-Tahtani in Homs countryside.


An army unit in cooperation with popular defense groups directed fire strikes against gatherings and dens of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Rabea area 60 kilometers to the north of Lattakia.

The strikes claimed the lives of 17 terrorists , most of them are from foreign nationalities, including Turkish terrorists and a French female sniper in addition to destroying a vehicle for terrorists in al-Hulwa village.


The army’s air force destroyed vehicles and dens of terrorists in al-Mjas, al-Wasita, Eshtabraq, al-Sirmaniyeh and al-Taman’eh in the countryside of the northern Idleb province.

A military source killed and injured a large numbers of terrorists and destroyed a number of their machinegun-equipped vehicles and weapons.

The Army air force targeted terrorists’ gatherings in al-Mintar, Frika, al-Kafir, Bashlamon, Karkour and the area surrounding it in the countryside of jisr al-shughour.

The strikes resulted in the death of many terrorists and the destruction of their vehicles, some of them equipped with heavy machineguns.

Local sources in Harem city in the northern countryside of Idleb confirmed the death of “Abu Anas al-Saudi” a prominent leader in “Jabhat al-Nusra”.

Damascus countryside 

Gunmen turn themselves in to the army

The army units, in cooperation with Lebanese Resistance, continued their operations against terrorist organizations in al-Zabadani in Damascus countryside.

The army’s operations inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and so-called “Ahrar al-Sham.”

Meanwhile, a number of the gunmen in al-Zabadani turned themselves in to the army.


The army directed concentrated strikes on hideouts of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Eib village in al-Lujat area in Daraa province, killing many terrorists and destroying their vehicles.

Many terrorists were killed and many others were injured during an army operation against one of the gatherings of “Jaish al-Yarmouk” terrorist group to the east of al-Gharia al-Gharbia village in the northeast countryside of the province.

Another army unit targeted terrorists’ gatherings and dens to the south of Zimrin town, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

Terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages the death of several of their members, including Mohamed Khaled Hilal al-Zoubi.


ISIS infiltration attempt foiled

An army unit in cooperation with popular defense groups foiled an infiltration attempt by terrorists from ISIS organization towards Boutheina hill 40 kilometers to the north east of Sweida city.

A military source said in a statement to SANA that a unit of army clashed with a terrorist group from ISIS organization after monitoring their movements while they were trying to sneak from Khurbet Sa’ad and Tal Sa’ad towards Boutheina hill. The clashes resulted in killing all members of the terrorist group and destroying their arms and ammunition.

Takfiri terrorist organizations are active in areas near Sweida and attack locals of some villages and towns in the remote countryside of the province.

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