Syrian Scientific Olympiad team wins 3 medals, 3 certificates of appreciation

Damascus, SANA – The Syrian Scientific Olympiad team won two silver medals and a bronze one in addition to three certificates of appreciation during the Math Olympiad concluded on Tuesday in Thailand with the participation of 98 countries.

Head of the Syrian delegation to the Olympiad, chairman of the Syrian National Commission of the Olympiad Imad al-Aazb said this new achievement is the fruit of enormous efforts exerted by the team’s members and their educational cadresinSyria.

He added that members of the Syrian team had won medals or certificates of appreciation except for one member whose health condition deprived him from making his usual performance.

The Syrian Science Olympiad teams won a number of medals and certificates in a number of international competitions which took place in India and Indonesia in 2014 in the fields of math, Physics, informatics and chemistry.


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