Grand Mufti condemns terrorist massacre in Aleppo

Damascus, SANA – Grand Mufti of the Republic, Dr. Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun condemned the heinous terrorist crime of attacking Aleppo city with rocket shells where dozens of innocent people were killed.

Terrorist organizations on Monday targeted Aleppo city with rocket shells, killing 23 civilians and injuring scores most of them are children.

In a call with Syrian TV, Mufti Hassoun said that enemies of Islam and humanity will face their destiny in Aleppo city at the hands of the Syrian Arab Army, pointing out that terror-fostering regimes as the Turkish, the Saudi, Jordanian and others are responsible for the crime.

He pointed out to the terrorists’ crimes against civilians in Jisr al-Shughour and Qalb Lawza in Idleb Province, and more recently, yesterday’s massacre against children in al-Rahman Mosque.

For his part, Aleppo Mufti Sheikh Mahmoud Akkam said in a similar call that Syria will triumph over terrorism that is targeting human, history and civilization, offering condolences to Aleppo residents and all the Syrians for the massacres committed against them.

“Generations will not forgive criminals and those supporting them,” Akkam said, stressing that Syria will beat its enemies.

R. Milhem/ Barry

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