Army units kill more terrorists, destroy their gatherings and vehicles in different areas

Provinces, SANA-Units of the army and the armed forces  carried out a series of military operations  targeting dens and gatherings of armed terrorist organizations in different areas and killing  a number of terrorists and injuring others, in addition to destroying their vehicles.

Damascus Countryside 

The army established control over a number of strategically important sites in Zabadani area in Damascus Countryside and managed to kill and injure large numbers of terrorists.

A military source said army units established control over a number of sites in western al-Zabadani area, including Qarqamaz, Ras al-Khasha, Sheir al-Qarna, Shier al-Hawa, Shu’eb al-Ald, Beir Kaso, Qasr al-Namroud, Sheikh Mansour, Ras al-Qarn and Shaqef al-Ahmar.

The source added that the army destroyed several terrorists’ hideouts and concentrations and killed and injured a number of terrorists.

SANA reporter said the army killed over 20 terrorists in these areas, adding that many of them were of non-Syrian nationalities. Among the dead terrorists were a Yemeni nicknamed Abu Hajer, a Saudi nicknamed Abu Aisha, Mohammad al-Maghrebi who was the leader of a terrorist group, Hamza al-Dalati, and Hasan Awwad.

Meanwhile, army units killed and injured large numbers of terrorists in Fleita near the town of al-Mashrafa in the Qalamoun mountains after targeting their hideouts and concentrations there.

In the Eastern Ghouta area, the army clashed with terrorists in Aliya Farms near Douma and managed to kill a number of them, including terrorist Hussein al-Ahmad.

Other army units carried out a series of operations against terrorists’ hideouts in the areas of Jobar, Eyn Tarma and marj al-Sultan, inflicting losses upon terrorists.


The Army launched concentrated airstrikes against terrorists’ gatherings in Bakafaloun, Failoun and Martin in the city and countryside of Idleb, inflicting heavy losses on them.

The Syrian Air Force had launched accurate airstrikes on the terrorists’ gatherings and dens, eliminated many of them and destroyed weaponry and ammo caches in Binnesh, Ta’om, Ma’aret Misreen Road and Sarja in Idleb countryside.

Tens of terrorists were killed and their ammo and weapons were destroyed during Army successful operations in the area surrounding Idleb city.

Other Army units chased members of terrorist organizations east of Idleb city and killed a large number of them.

Terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages the death of tens of their members during Army operations. Abdallah Shartah, chief of the o called” Jabhat al-Nusra” terrorist organization was acknowledged as one of them.


Army units destroyed terrorist organizations’ dens, killed many terrorists, injured others and destroyed two bulldozers with terrorists onboard in Um Sharshoh and al-Ghanto in Talbeisa area to the north of Homs city.

Other Army units carried out intensive and accurate operations, causing the death or injury of many terrorist organizations’ members and the destruction of weaponry and ammo in al-Ta’lawia in al-Houla area and in al-Wa’ra towards Jbourin- Um Sharshoh in the northern countryside of Homs.

In the eastern countryside of Homs, a number of terrorists were killed and others were injured in Mazbal, Unk al-Hawa and Jub al-Jarah during Army operations against their dens.

Army units destroyed terrorists’ hideouts in Abu Hawadied and al-Mshirfe al-Janoubyeh in Homs eastern countryside.


Units of Army and Armed Forces carried out accurate operations against terrorist organizations’ hideouts and gatherings in Dweir al-Zaitoun, Tal Msibein, the area surrounding al-Mallah Farms and Handarat Camp in the northern countryside of Aleppo.

During the operations, many dens and vehicles belonging to terrorists were destroyed and many terrorists were killed.

A number of terrorists were killed and others were injured during a series of Army accurate operations in Khan al-Assal area to the west of Aleppo.

Terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages that they suffered heavy losses during the Army operations. Ibrahim al-Fayyad and Mohamed al-Halloush were among those killed.


Army units targeted terrorists’ dens and  gatherings in al-Menshiyeh, the Camp and al-Hamadeen neighborhoods in Daraa al-Balad in  the city of Daraa  and in the two  towns of Dael and Tafas in the countryside, killing  numbers of terrorists and injuring others.

A military source said units of the Army destroyed  terrorists’ dens in Busra al-Sham, al-Hay al-Gharbi in Atman town and to the southwest of Syriatel Building in Daraa al-Balad, eliminating many of them and injuring others.


The army destroyed  two vehicles equipped with  heavy machineguns with all terrorists onboard in al-Qasr village and targeted  vehicles in  Tal Asfar area in the northeastern countryside of Sweida province.


An Army unit carried out an intensive operation targeting terrorist organizations’ gatherings in Mas’hara town.

The operation resulted in many terrorists getting killed, the injury of many others and the destruction of a number of vehicles in addition to amounts of weapons and ammunition.

Army unit killed and injured a number of terrorists and destroyed their hideout in Tal Mashara in Quneitra countryside.

Army units targeted terrorists’ hideouts near Nabe’a al-Sakher and in Umm Batna in Quneitra countryside, killing a number of terrorists and destroying their vehicles.


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