Arnous: it is important to move towards renewable energy and wind energy investment

Damascus, SANA- Prime Minister Hussein Arnous, participated in the closing session of the second investment conference in the electricity sector, which is being held Thursday under the title “Investment in Renewable Energy and Electricity, the Engine of Sustainable Development in Syria”

Eng. Arnous affirmed the necessity to move towards renewable energies and expand wind energy investment in areas of high wind potential, pointing out also to the importance of moving towards establishing joint stock companies for actual investment in the renewable energy sector and the continuous development of the competencies and cadres working in it.

The premier pointed out the importance of the conference as it revolves around the energy sector, which forms the basis for the development and growth of various agricultural, industrial, service and tourism sectors.
“There is no other option than to move towards renewable energy as a priority in light of the theft of Syria’s oil derivatives by the American occupation and terrorist gangs”, the premier added.

Arnous said that the conference witnessed signing of a number of memoranda of understanding, including two investment projects in renewable energy with a capacity of 100 megawatts of solar energy and 50 megawatts of wind energy, in addition to signing a memorandum of understanding to establish a solar station with a capacity of 300 megawatts in the Damascus countryside.

Fedaa al-Rahai

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