Israeli occupation perpetrates new massacre in Jenin Camp, killing six Palestinians, injuring scores

The Palestinian people staged protest stands in various cities in the West Bank and besieged Gaza Strip, to express their denunciation and condemnation of the Israeli massacre in Jenin Camp and to voice support to the Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli jails

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The Israeli occupation forces perpetrated on Tuesday a new massacre against the Palestinians in Jenin Camp in the West Bank, killing Six Palestinians and injuring dozens.

According to News Agency Wafa, the occupation forces stormed the camp with heavy enforcement, shot fire against the Palestinians, then encircled one of their houses and fired a rocket against it, killing six Palestinians and injuring scores of them.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said that scores of Palestinians were injured in the Israeli aggression, as they were admitted to the west Bank’s hospitals, while six others died.

The Ministry added that the Israeli forces fired bullets against the ambulances in Jenin, as well as used the Palestinians as human shield.

The number of the Palestinian martyrs due to the Israeli aggression rises to 74, among them 13 children, since the beginning of the current year.

The Palestinian resistance targeted the Israeli forces, shooting bullets against them, and shooting down two Israeli drones in the Camp.

In the same context, the Israeli occupation forces renewed their aggression on the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

News Agency Wafa, said that the occupation forces positioning east of Al Qarara village northeast Khan Younis, fired heavy bullets and poison gas bombs on the Palestinian farmers, forcing them to leave their lands.

Meanwhile, scores of Palestinians were injured in Israeli forces attack against them in various areas in the West Bank.

The agency said that the occupation forces attacked with bullets and poison gas bombs the protest demonstrations, which were triggered in the cities of Hebron, Bethlehem and Jericho in support of the Palestinian detainees in the Israeli jails and in condemnation of the Israeli massacres.

The Israeli attacks caused the injuring of two Palestinians, while tens of them suffered suffocations.

A number of cities in the West Bank and Besieged Gaza Strip witnessed a protest stands in support of the Palestinian detainees in the Israeli Jails, and in condemnation of the Israeli massacre in Jenin in the West Bank.

Wafa agency said that the participants in the stands, which was staged in Ramallah, Hebron, Tubas, Qalqilya, Tulkarm and Jericho, came in support of the Palestinian detainees in the Israeli jails and in condemnation of the Israeli massacre in Jenin, which claimed the lives of six Palestinians and injured scores others.

They called upon the international community to quick move to save the Palestinian detainees in the Israeli jails, who suffered all kinds of torture and suppression in a flagrant violation of the human rights principles and the international and humanitarian law.

In Gaza Strip, thousands of Palestinians staged stands in denunciation of Israeli occupation massacre in Jenin and in support of the Palestinian prisoners in the occupation jails.

Hala Zain







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