Syrian-Russian coordination strategic and continuous, Mikdad affirms

Damascus, SANA- Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Dr. Fayssal Mikdad, affirmed that the relations between Syria and Russia are strategic, and coordination between them is continuing, and its results will appear in various fields, stressing that the battle that the two countries are waging for security and stability in the region and the world is one.

Mikdad’s remarks came during an interview with al-Suriya and al-Ikhbariya T.V. channels last night.

He added “My last visit to Moscow was with the aim of strengthening the strategic relations between the two countries, and these relations are constantly developing because each country believes in the correctness of the other country’s positions and because it has been proven that their policies help improve the situation in the region and the world.”

Mikdad noted that coordination between Syria and Russia is continuous and its results will appear in various fields, and that talking about trade-offs is Western attempts to discredit Syrian-Russian relations, as Syria is a sovereign country and cannot be in any deal or barter.

Mikdad clarified that the aim of the visit of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to Syria is to send a message to the whole world that Russia and Syria are strong, and that the battle that the two countries are waging for security and stability all over the world is one. Therefore, there were air maneuvers conducted by the Russian Air Force with the latest aircraft in order to tell everyone who tries to insult Russia and Syria that we are together in one battle in order to ensure security and stability in the Middle East and Europe.

Mikdad said that NATO has not implemented its pledges not to expand to the east, and its practices threaten the Russian national security, pointing out that what the West is currently doing against Russia in terms of hostile practices and campaigns aimed at offending it similar to what it did against Syria during the terrorist war.

Mikdad affirmed Syria’s support for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to recognize the independence of the Luhansk and Donetsk republics from Ukraine.

Mikdad reiterated that the US presence in northeastern Syria is an occupation in every sense of the word, and the international law and the UN Charter unambiguously show that because this presence was not made at the request of the country concerned, and therefore the American occupation forces must leave the Syrian territories.

He added that the main objective of the US presence in Syria is to protect terrorist organizations in  al-Tanf region and separatist militias in the Syrian Jazeera region, indicating that Washington continues to invest in terrorism by transferring its terrorists from Syria to other regions in the world to implement its political agendas, as it has transferred hundreds of terrorists to Afghanistan and other countries, and there are now talks about transferring many of these terrorists to a number of African countries, while the US continues to detain thousands of displaced persons in al-Rukban camp, and it prevents their return to their homes, villages and towns.

Mikdad stressed that the Turkish regime continues to support terrorist organizations in Syria in flagrant violation of the Astana understandings, and everyone has recently heard the US announcement that it had killed the second leader of Daesh “ISIS” terrorist organization on the lands occupied by the Turkish regime, after it had killed the first leader a few meters away from the place where it killed the second leader, pointing out that the false Western media ignored that the terrorists were killed on lands occupied by the Turkish regime.

The Foreign and Expatriates Minister stressed Syria’s keenness to strengthen its relations with Arab countries and the return of joint Arab action for the benefit of the Arab peoples.

“There are now 14 Arab embassies in Damascus, and we call for Arab reunification in order to overcome the current reality. The only solution to all of us is to return to Arab solidarity in order to stand by each other in a fateful battle in which the future of the world will be determined,” Mikdad said.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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