Jan. 25th, Egyptian filmmaker Yusef Shahin born

1915- Alexander Graham Bell in New York and Thomas Watson in San Francisco make a record telephone transmission.

1919 -The League of Nations plan is adopted by the Allies.

1924-The first Winter Olympic Games held in Chamonix, France.

1942- Thailand declares war on the US and England.

1971- Ugandan President Milton Obote toppled by Idi Amin in a coup d’état.

2001- 20.000 people killed in Gujarat earthquake, India.

2010- An Ethiopian airliner crashes into the Mediterranean shortly after take-off from Beirut airport.

Born Today:

1926- Famous Egyptian filmmaker Yusef Shahin.

1950- Former French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.

Passed away:

2006- Leader of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front in El Salvador Shafik Handal.

R. al-Jazaeri / Barry

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